The four is growing. I have been missing a lot of work of late. Yeah for me two days, involuntary in a year. That’s with the shit. Kills me. I mean you have to work seven days and hate them all just to make your bills in today's economy right?
Start it off with a Bret Micheal's and *Sight*.
Yeah. So I been thinking. Yes I do that time to time, even if it can be perceived as bad, and I have to realize I'm an adult…shocker there eh? I mean I have only been blogging since I was like twenty seven…and that was like twenty years ago? You do the math if you can find where it all started. 'New laptop coming along...I say I dont write enough? Yeah well I got a backlog as long as your rap sheet to prove that wrong eh? And speaking of writing enough...why is it so much metal core has the same riff just with a different set of guitars and effects? I mean unholy confessions was like twenty years ago and I keep hearing that line from the intro.
Yeah I put on a movie today just to kinda distract...while working on ironing out some issues with my old laptop that feel victim to someones careless coffee habit. The prognosis is positive...just waiting on the parts for the full repair now. But that's not where this was going...I put on the Steve Jobs movie with that tart Ashton Kutcher. Its a good movie...albeit boring....but well done from what I have paid attention to. Of course it could be better for most since its got that thought provoking quality to it.
Your looking for power suction you say without the chord? Or the menacing cut dick rut that comes from all those dirt devil blades? Yeah me too. Maybe I'm just lookin for that Elvira circa 2014 without the old lady skin tones and probably all Brazilian…well maybe not all but def somewhat.
About The AuthorYour Saint as seen on America's Most Wanted. Categories
April 2016