'New laptop coming along...I say I dont write enough? Yeah well I got a backlog as long as your rap sheet to prove that wrong eh? And speaking of writing enough...why is it so much metal core has the same riff just with a different set of guitars and effects? I mean unholy confessions was like twenty years ago and I keep hearing that line from the intro.
Yeah its that good huh? So good you had to drag that shit thorough the rape mud and then puncture a lung like your a cross between black tide and cannibal corpse. Wait wouldn't that be like six feet under? Well if Chris Barnes wasn't like sixty five now, again I digress since I lost my train of thought. I know I was talking about this new laptop which is small unlike me...I need a fucking diet. Badly....maybe smoking and cocaine abuse would help me...I know I got some scotch but damn it man..that can only do so much.
Maybe I should be the one that goes out there and fails while trying to make a change....I mean some friends to me have books complete now...I kinda wish I did but fuck it...cant be everywhere and work, have kids, and do anything else....and you know about the whole lack of caring thing eh? Well the kinda...gives not a fuck...thing like I were Thor wearing a Punisher costume.
Yeah maybe next year I should do a review based blog and keep up week to week with something about something and not use words like shit blood and cum *Tool reference for the uniformed* that's on my hand. I dunno you tell me....
Or not since I probably wont be checking on the comments tab enough to see it within the first two years...but hey cant hurt to try....well it can. It always can.....just like what you dont know know see cant hurt you? Yeah tell that to the people murdered by ninjas every year...I'm just sayin...
Maybe I should be the one that goes out there and fails while trying to make a change....I mean some friends to me have books complete now...I kinda wish I did but fuck it...cant be everywhere and work, have kids, and do anything else....and you know about the whole lack of caring thing eh? Well the kinda...gives not a fuck...thing like I were Thor wearing a Punisher costume.
Yeah maybe next year I should do a review based blog and keep up week to week with something about something and not use words like shit blood and cum *Tool reference for the uniformed* that's on my hand. I dunno you tell me....
Or not since I probably wont be checking on the comments tab enough to see it within the first two years...but hey cant hurt to try....well it can. It always can.....just like what you dont know know see cant hurt you? Yeah tell that to the people murdered by ninjas every year...I'm just sayin...