The four is growing. I have been missing a lot of work of late. Yeah for me two days, involuntary in a year. That’s with the shit. Kills me. I mean you have to work seven days and hate them all just to make your bills in today's economy right?
Yeah. You know why? Cause everyone's greedy as fuck. See now you cant get over with shit anymore. They told us about the whole minimum wage should be over fourteen dollars to equal what it was forty years ago. So everything doubled and then some in price in that period? Has snickers bars and coca cola become some kind of endangered fucking species? Did the shit fall out of a fucking Brontosaurus ass? I don’t know since you have to spoon feed me this shit. And then tell me oh hi nice days work, your not even getting minimum wage for the effort…better luck *fuck you* next time.
Now before the NSA comes and shuts me down…I'm not just blaming the government…there's a lot of shit going on I know, its just that they need a little more…and it may be passed by now God knows…minimum wage law, Federal style. Yeah if you didn’t know, a lot of states, mine included have no law on what to pay you, so the big bad you may or probably do hate it federal government has to make them pay you for your work, if unfairly…more than it would have.
So the point here would really be, for all those old timers that try to tell you they worked at K F Fucking C and paid off a house in seventy four…STFU.
See, its easy with your geezer logic to see what did happen. Not what does happen now. I'm all for makin someone go to work, fuck it you should HAVE to work if your not rich by some means or disabled. However I'm not gonna promote that if you go to work and don’t make it, its yours fault somehow. That’s the kind of bullshit that started all this other bullshit.
Way to go geriatric America. Another win for you eh? Tell us what for and all that, as you did your lipstick suppository into another crushed up Tylenol and bloody Mary mash. You got the wrong blog if you come to see any kind of pre Karesh American dream now…I cut my teeth on some NWA and the kool aid man….so if you don’t like what this says..fuck you, fuck your wife, kids, mom, dog, in laws, neighbor, city state….I can go on and on.
Just take it for what it is and learn…if that letters even still in your alphabet that is….