Yeah so I found something up in the attic. Much like those skeletons in your closet....yeah the ones with cock rings and spinal meningitis. No not flowers, what do I look like Betty c rocker over here? So I was cleaning house, which I would say a prison term would be preferable to at this point, what with living with a closet (there's that word again) hoarder. But back to facts...which might I add are all you ever need here...and get I aim to please of course.
So I got up in the attic with some plastic box things full of shit...shit really that shouldn't have made it past the civil war with humanity...weight about sixty pounds or so....up the attic ladder....fucking sucks. I push some stuff to the side, and then I pick up a bag and toss it.
Much to my dismay being suspending up there out come a bout fifty wasp. It is twenty seven degrees outside yeah I was not pleased to see these wasp morlocks scatter and run for the hills. I abruptly exited the stage to prepare for war.
But much like we the people, I had disarmed myself. Fuck. Now the enemy can lay in wait and plan its terroristic attack on me since now like in some twisted Lovecraft fiction...I know its there...and it knows me. ME. Like personally, its smelled your dirty underwear and probably put one of your used condoms on kind of know. FUCK.
So I will have to plan my battle for the summer, like staking a vampire at night this will be their time...but alas so is the fate of the lazy and forgetful.
This blog brought to you by bag o bees. Use it to ride down on your enemies!
See now you know you want some of that shit...long as your not holding an open bag your golden...just make sure you put some rocks in it to make sure it goes farther...and bust open harder...that way the wasp have to get revenge for their dead homies too.
Its like frog in a bag, with a stinger..and less exposed guts.
Much to my dismay being suspending up there out come a bout fifty wasp. It is twenty seven degrees outside yeah I was not pleased to see these wasp morlocks scatter and run for the hills. I abruptly exited the stage to prepare for war.
But much like we the people, I had disarmed myself. Fuck. Now the enemy can lay in wait and plan its terroristic attack on me since now like in some twisted Lovecraft fiction...I know its there...and it knows me. ME. Like personally, its smelled your dirty underwear and probably put one of your used condoms on kind of know. FUCK.
So I will have to plan my battle for the summer, like staking a vampire at night this will be their time...but alas so is the fate of the lazy and forgetful.
This blog brought to you by bag o bees. Use it to ride down on your enemies!
See now you know you want some of that shit...long as your not holding an open bag your golden...just make sure you put some rocks in it to make sure it goes farther...and bust open harder...that way the wasp have to get revenge for their dead homies too.
Its like frog in a bag, with a stinger..and less exposed guts.