Nightmare on elm street....everyone over twenty five remembers at least one of the what eight or so flicks? Slasher films...nor horror...sick satirical comedic...kind of spiraled out of control after the initial iteration but still good movies I would suppose. The first one was excellent and set up a hell of a story which I'm sure you know about by now...if you dont...fuck it just stop reading. I'm not gonna spoiler this shit for you since if you haven't seen it your not a fan.
Now we aren't going to speak of part one in the world unless your like forty plus can recount part 2. Even if you own it like are very much are more likely to have pictures of a Bigfoot fucking an alien than to be able to retell the plot to this one. I'm watching as we speak...or rather as you read right now. And? And you ask...since your so excited and or annoyed....
Shit's weird as hell. So far so strange its odd but I wont spoil it either since you need to get on that bus to the desert in your tighty whiteys and have some eggs too without me cooking them or getting the stains out for you. Which no doubt...this series has put there....or perhaps...that sequel....remake...reboot...what the fuck you call movies these days...
Yeah I think where I was aiming this loaded gun, full of broken glass and diaper film...was at the new movie with Opiie the Rorschach Taylor portrayed everyones favorite madman...molester..misunderstood bastion for child care and methadone abuse...I forgot his name....and why the fuck couldn't Robert England have played the part again? Tha fuck?
Now lets just cut the shit. The reboot...unlike that malady that was the friday the thirteenth reboot abortion.....had potential. I was shocked when I thought, keyword..."Thought" they had an m knight level twist...that being? That being the very twist I would have used. He was innocent.
The whole child rapist killer thing...well it's in really bad fucking taste. went out in the eighties. But the whole accused part? Burned alive innocent, just because your slow, or maybe had a tragic turn of events in life and actually love children part? Priceless. They of course opted for the whole im innocent until I get my victim alone part...then I go all phantom limb confessing to Chris Hansen on them.
Which of course, prompts me to what a piece of shit. You took what could have made the new story original even after ten movies and shit it away like a dumpster cookie frosted with crusty dog turds.
Way to go jack offs. And whatever happened to women wearing halter tops? Are them thangs that damned big now you cant leave em hangin? Or do they do just that...O_o Hang?Now lets get this heron blast down past your ass...but not up it or on your balls like a bad blow job in a theater full of Robert England flicks. Yeah...fuck it so lets talk about movies....movies you ask? Ok fuck that briefs.