what we dont need here...is some kind of come back. For some of our readers that would make out to the sound of cum back...but you know....I'm not touching that one for once. I mean I just got where I am today and had it start to blow up in face...but hey Ill work through it since all life is misery.
No not going emo there, its just that as I'm sure I said before...other people live in this world. I think perhaps I have softened my views and ways of doing things, where as I shouldn't have...but I dont know I haven't been in situations to really use that edge I suppose I lost after twenty five....Yeah I think for the most part I am consistent in my dealing with everyone and most everything.
However...my fellow man...woman....children....are not. I cant conceive of just how people act...its like some insane unmotivated sense of self righteousness.....yes you can control who you help speak to etc. But these people would ruin your fucking life for the purpose of.....yeah purpose of what? There isn't one. If you want to ruin someone just fucking do something really bad to them people. Oh but wait. That leaves you open to reciprocation.
Ah. Yes.
And I know when you shit on someone its soooo much better for them to consider it their fault. That ques you in for a come back. Yes at your own writing, and even if you say you were wrong...well, that makes you the better person too. Win win eh. I mean if you were old school yo'ud just attack them, stab them, burn their house down. Then they would plot and devise vengeance in kind....and we cant have that now can we. I mean that's only for high fantasy and movies.
No just keep it to a mind fuck, selfish old anal fist mentality. It's ok Ill stay consistent. I'm learning more about keeping it real now too, just takes a few decades. Who knows maybe I will turn this into a kinder gentler space....
Yeah. No. I will make this my selfish place. To brood when I want, shit eat and piss. Cum on the pages, and you will like it....or you wont. And I will speak even if you hate it if spoken to about it...but dont tell the IRS....and dont go to church and tell them....cause meth's a hell of drug...and the cookie monster is blue.
Thank you....and that is all.
However...my fellow man...woman....children....are not. I cant conceive of just how people act...its like some insane unmotivated sense of self righteousness.....yes you can control who you help speak to etc. But these people would ruin your fucking life for the purpose of.....yeah purpose of what? There isn't one. If you want to ruin someone just fucking do something really bad to them people. Oh but wait. That leaves you open to reciprocation.
Ah. Yes.
And I know when you shit on someone its soooo much better for them to consider it their fault. That ques you in for a come back. Yes at your own writing, and even if you say you were wrong...well, that makes you the better person too. Win win eh. I mean if you were old school yo'ud just attack them, stab them, burn their house down. Then they would plot and devise vengeance in kind....and we cant have that now can we. I mean that's only for high fantasy and movies.
No just keep it to a mind fuck, selfish old anal fist mentality. It's ok Ill stay consistent. I'm learning more about keeping it real now too, just takes a few decades. Who knows maybe I will turn this into a kinder gentler space....
Yeah. No. I will make this my selfish place. To brood when I want, shit eat and piss. Cum on the pages, and you will like it....or you wont. And I will speak even if you hate it if spoken to about it...but dont tell the IRS....and dont go to church and tell them....cause meth's a hell of drug...and the cookie monster is blue.
Thank you....and that is all.