Whats with the number fifty two these days? wait...have I told this story before? If so fuck it ...I forgot so we doing this shit again....face it originality died back in 01. Fuck your life fuck my life...fuck something it's a healthy part of growing up. Seriously though....barring the things I said earlier this year...how the fuck does Rob Liefeld keep getting work in comics.....dun dun dun *cuts eyes*
well he did quit and I too share guilt in the whole fifty two fiasco. Unlike afformentioned Image founder, I do at least fifty two pieces of work a year, or each volume should be officially fifty two. So I have fun with numbers even if I dont know how to count.....which is not ironically unlike an image year which must have fell on a leap year since you see four issues every ten years....and you of course advertise as much, with a huge red First Issue In A Decade! Plastered up in the corner, and when I see it im like....seriously I took a year....or two off? And I dont even get fucking paid...and you get to take ten and it's supposed to be your livihood? Tha fuck was that industry thinking....now I dont remember the hard drinks and hookers but a Hunter S Thompson life style will do that to you just ask Jimmy Swagert or one of the Bakers.
Alas put the tag New, or reboot on a turd and your swear it's a fucking rose so many people come to smell that shit. It;s like santana in summer or a broke condom when you knew she had aids anyways. Where were we before we got infected and non succesfullly rejected, since we are all serial killer rapist. Thats right, we rape serial killers.
So back to the new or as I would call it....the NU Fifty Two. Its such a draw, a reboot a nut job its a hot chick in spandex with the only wetspot at the crouch and she's packing some serious hard nipples to sweeten the deal. But thats just an image, and you dont want that image to be united cause that shits about as life threatening as a late period in the month of May. Maybe add a dash of golden girls packing strap on's to your list of what makes you scream, So take the chainsaw back and get out those pills cause the hills have eyes and you gotta be awake to see the prune pussy and track marks on that saggy ass.
Now see you done gone and got me reinvinenting myself again. Im like Charlie Sheen in a bowling shirt, I dont need anger managment, Im packing what Ron Jermeys lacking. But thats a good enough send off for this real shit? Or would it have gone smoother if I was talking about chapped lips and hemoroids? This Insult and injury decicated to hyper dermic death sentence's and the letter 2.
Alas put the tag New, or reboot on a turd and your swear it's a fucking rose so many people come to smell that shit. It;s like santana in summer or a broke condom when you knew she had aids anyways. Where were we before we got infected and non succesfullly rejected, since we are all serial killer rapist. Thats right, we rape serial killers.
So back to the new or as I would call it....the NU Fifty Two. Its such a draw, a reboot a nut job its a hot chick in spandex with the only wetspot at the crouch and she's packing some serious hard nipples to sweeten the deal. But thats just an image, and you dont want that image to be united cause that shits about as life threatening as a late period in the month of May. Maybe add a dash of golden girls packing strap on's to your list of what makes you scream, So take the chainsaw back and get out those pills cause the hills have eyes and you gotta be awake to see the prune pussy and track marks on that saggy ass.
Now see you done gone and got me reinvinenting myself again. Im like Charlie Sheen in a bowling shirt, I dont need anger managment, Im packing what Ron Jermeys lacking. But thats a good enough send off for this real shit? Or would it have gone smoother if I was talking about chapped lips and hemoroids? This Insult and injury decicated to hyper dermic death sentence's and the letter 2.