Sitting here listening to some FDJ. Full Devil Jacket for the uninformed, band from 1999-2000, were local to me when I lived in Jackson Tn. A boring ass place you could say but in a lot of ways a bastion for my creativity and freedom of thought...or graveyard of morality that unscrewed the top of my head and fucked my brain up like listening to the song Hey jealousy backwards thirty three times with a blow dryer in the tub will do to you.
So still gluten for punishment like a cryptic message from a kidney thief that read too many Edgar Allen Poe shorts. Yeah I don't need to worry about introductions or anything anymore since by now if you read this shit your hooked like its a meth pipe shootin out pure methadone in the form of this heroin method I developed. But, bad grammar and crocked teeth or not this is a subject blog for better or worse, and with that let this abomination of an arranged miscarriage....erm....marriage begin...
About The AuthorYour Saint For Suicide as seen on Blood Into Blog. Categories
January 2014