Its time for some good ole TGIF, kidnapping and parties…lets get out there and do some blackout like our name was Tupac and this is a shout out to biggie Smallz bitches. Yeah I know you need me to get all dub step on your ass maybe I should invite Katey perry over so she can turn me down and not suck my dick but that’s the way of the day and this is evolution…you know you want to its like a face fuck with a willing rape by an alien with a John Holmes dildo…and hes takin you to the show and he forgot his pants this time, butt plugz and green party dresses and all.
Wait…do you have implants? Are you a hot red girl or oriental? Maybe playing some ddr with your titties hanging down…maybe this is just my sell out album and no one bought it…or it’s late and I gotta go to bed with this NyQuil buzz and some aluminum miller on the desk. Maybe if you know you got some kind of telescope staring at me from space yanking on your dick like its Cory Fieldman sans Micheal Jackson after they put them lost boys on the a milk carton and bubbles got his carry permit. Maybe I should sleep it off and maybe you should call up immigration and take a few shots with Quieten Tarantino while your at it. Cause this is blood into stool fucking blog and your gonna need to get your colon checked before this shit is all over. I'm trying to come back freestyle for just a while but I know its gonna fail so fuck it all bitches go to jail and suck aids dick after you get butt fucked in hell.
Thank you that is the rant for this season….or was that last week….I don’t know, drugs and drinking with seven jobs and thirteen wives can do that to you..unless your Mormon. Then its just another day at the office.
Thank you that is the rant for this season….or was that last week….I don’t know, drugs and drinking with seven jobs and thirteen wives can do that to you..unless your Mormon. Then its just another day at the office.