Muck sticky huh? More like fuck sickly. Yeah like bangin handicap cheerleaders or dingle berry dog turds that you made up to look like mud pies. How many years late is this blog now? Just ask Matt Klemme, cause he inspired, conspired....set fire to the lines about this no talent clown that gives every straight guy he can find mega crown.
Yeah its not cap, dome, head or what ever you kids call that shit now, its crown cause lets face it his raps are so weak he's like a comedian in a night gown. And yeah that shits weak too unless you actually get out to think about how bad female comedy is, that shit caused the first case of recorded cancer and shut down it's showtime at the Apollo. This is the house that crack built and its like a grave in the muck, a guy who couldn't help but bad his tombstone's gonna read face fuck.
But hey I heard he used to be cool, before he played big venues like sugar creek, which is a good spot in all honesty....though I think uniformed since the only reason Butt Sticky played there was he thought it was a gay bar down by the river. I mean this guy drops dirty needles like a van in the Kroger parking lot with a guy name Gertrude driving it. Just listen to one of his's like listening to that gremlin that got shoved in the blender only he has a parrot up his ass. No hamsters left since Muck already took special "care" of them.
So In closing, Much Shitty, I'm glad I don't hear about you or your Liberace inspired intravenous anal discharge excuse for musical refuse anymore. Live long and prosper like a baby seal on Canada day Suck Dickly or whatever they call out over at the Pumping Station.
But hey I heard he used to be cool, before he played big venues like sugar creek, which is a good spot in all honesty....though I think uniformed since the only reason Butt Sticky played there was he thought it was a gay bar down by the river. I mean this guy drops dirty needles like a van in the Kroger parking lot with a guy name Gertrude driving it. Just listen to one of his's like listening to that gremlin that got shoved in the blender only he has a parrot up his ass. No hamsters left since Muck already took special "care" of them.
So In closing, Much Shitty, I'm glad I don't hear about you or your Liberace inspired intravenous anal discharge excuse for musical refuse anymore. Live long and prosper like a baby seal on Canada day Suck Dickly or whatever they call out over at the Pumping Station.