I pour so much blood into this blog its like an aids patient, reading Machiavelli like its the bible. Yeah I got a few more one liners in me for you unassuming types that believe I have some kind of condition or Im slow, or you shit doesn't stink. Well your wrong, astroglide and Vaseline dont make for pleasant potpourri in the morning. Or how about cigarette butts and caffiene pills along with your statutory and prison sex videos.
Maybe this lack of creative lull is making the shit I say dull to you, or maybe you forgot your glasses and spent your milk money on suppositories and cock rings again. Fuck if I know, but you know I care....that's why I'm here every week, in spirit of course since this shit has long past the mind of a maniac with a penchant for online lament and disgusting innuendo and malice under heady intent. Yeah some of the words rhythm....why? I don't know. That's the answer that gets everyone, since you know I really may not know. Its just one of those things, like when your a kid and your at school....you walk out to the monkey bars and say shit fuck bitch asshole faggot. Of course by now everyone is looking at you like your the antichrist or Hitler in a kittel. Why did you say that they may ask with terror in their eyes at your much needed and not delivered upon exorcism....and you say....I dont know. Then proceed of course, to the slide from the monkey bars. Did I mention you probably have on like some green pants and an orange shirt? Since your a kid no one gives a fuck what they make you wear, that shit could have Bert and gayass Ernie on it and the pants could be tight ass corduroy with tight lines in em. Would your parents wear this shit? Hell no it's not nineteen seventy two...but they sure don't mind putting you in that salvation army trash can regalia. Maybe this rant..is that what it is? Is or has gotten out of hand, and maybe you spit out some of your Christmas turkey....hey its thanksgiving you know. Well actually I have no idea when you will be reading this shit, so it may well be like me and be bigger than Texas with a hard dick by the time it hits your eyes, ears and other leaky orifices. Also there is no lead out to this one, you had your chance with em and look how that shit turned out and you owe the bill on that life insurance policy that didnt cover death by ugly.