What do you do when you cant trust your crew? Or when you dodo it turns red and smells like a watermelon blow job over at the abortion clinic? Why you come here to read this blog....and send you spam monkey bullshit Korean shit eaters over here to blow my head up like a tranny enjoying a doctored up San Francisco treat as I retreat back to my domicile of decay.
Yeah did any of that grab ya? Probably only the tranny part and watermelon abortion....they are seeds dammit. The fucking "Seedless" one has the worst seeds ever. Oh, I know they are white. Small and white you say? What the fuck kind of comment is that? Damn and I thought I was some kind of internet slum lord spreading disease...then you....damn that's some coldhearted Greek immigrant guns and roses butt hurt your spoutin out of that cum dumpster.
No seriously folks. Its been a while...I haven't got to offend and trend and #hashtag like all those #celebrity #fags over at the TMZ. Sorry, you know I love you even if life, does not. I mean who else but me would be so vain as to tell you about how my dick is so clean It burns when I pee? Or how when I drop my pants you pretend you cant see? Yeah so your not alone in the slum dog drug lord cyber bully race. Forget the dinosaurs this is Amar'ka folks, onamonapia or not, open your mouth cause I got more than words that need to cum inside.
Unless of course you are mentioned above. Or live in San Fransisco, I dont trust anything that came out of there even if its got no dick and big tits....operations may have made Mj white but they cant make a Margarette from a Mike.
With that I am out.....so pull out the jell-o pudding and Bill Cosby sweater...its that time of year again...and I hope its not just my dick itching here Ill go get the needle, its time for another infection.
This blog brought to you by Helloween. Another one of those coerced things called the holidays to help the man keep you down, so go get out your J DUB bible and commence to beating the elderly.....they deserve it.
No seriously folks. Its been a while...I haven't got to offend and trend and #hashtag like all those #celebrity #fags over at the TMZ. Sorry, you know I love you even if life, does not. I mean who else but me would be so vain as to tell you about how my dick is so clean It burns when I pee? Or how when I drop my pants you pretend you cant see? Yeah so your not alone in the slum dog drug lord cyber bully race. Forget the dinosaurs this is Amar'ka folks, onamonapia or not, open your mouth cause I got more than words that need to cum inside.
Unless of course you are mentioned above. Or live in San Fransisco, I dont trust anything that came out of there even if its got no dick and big tits....operations may have made Mj white but they cant make a Margarette from a Mike.
With that I am out.....so pull out the jell-o pudding and Bill Cosby sweater...its that time of year again...and I hope its not just my dick itching here Ill go get the needle, its time for another infection.
This blog brought to you by Helloween. Another one of those coerced things called the holidays to help the man keep you down, so go get out your J DUB bible and commence to beating the elderly.....they deserve it.