It's that time again. Not of the month...more the week....I think men's pms come's more consistently or something...maybe get a second opinion...quick call up Mork....wait...dead. up Balky? Was he even a doctor though? No? Yes? Immigrant? What...damn so he's out too....well guess you gotta go with me on this one folks.
Anyways. I was sitting here the other what current event should I address? Feminism? Shazam!? Us? Joe Bidden? Smollett? Na.
I just had a musing...I was like...would it be illegal if some woman had some kind of handicap fetish? Now before you look at me like that...*dirty Feminist* I'm talking fully functioning kinda guy and all....but maybe like a non THC using epileptic. Ah did that get an eyebrow raise? Do you smell what The Rock's cocking?
Well if it's not a steamed carrot with a cock ring on it. Sorry if you had that on your bucket list. No...I remember way back clicking this thing on a when you go to a where are they now page from another page...and get sucked in kinda thing. I click it cause some guys saying he's like sex machine 1987 and shit....he's saying he can do all this stuff by going all true blood on women without a thrust? I don't know...not much of a zen kama sutra guy myself.....not even into tyin em up...js.
While musing on this however...I came up with...what about a guy that has a seizure? Seriously....don't hit that X now...unless its got two more behind it...before I make this of course, you need a control for this experiment...and now I'm sure someone has done this. It was probably your English teacher from first grade...but hey....ahead of their time and all.
Enter the control : A strobe light. Get hot and heavy, do your thing...the guy does...well whatever gets you happy, and when it starts to dip off to the mundane...or you just want some fire....hit the lights. BAM. INSTA SEIZURE, with penetration!
Now if you were paying attention....the broke back Don Juan I mentioned earlier had some claim to doing something like this....and it's just the best ever for women. I wonder how he would know this....since well he looked like a fucking Idiot making air hump motions but I'm sure someone likes that too...So if you guy is down...and has this reaction...which I could only imagine is erratic and indeed very Vampire in True Blood fashionable all up in there.....would it work? Would you be flabbergasted and exhausted? Would he like it?
Now I know I said I wonder if someone has this fetish...and I'm sure someone tried it...but now like all idea's and knowledge...I have opened panodora's box. Fuck. Now someone is headed to find a guy on tinder that says may have seizures....if you do be sure to share...we care!
Ok so I guess I was more being a mad than a ponderer....but why would you expect anything else from world. I mean come on...take a video...we can go into business on that shit!
I just had a musing...I was like...would it be illegal if some woman had some kind of handicap fetish? Now before you look at me like that...*dirty Feminist* I'm talking fully functioning kinda guy and all....but maybe like a non THC using epileptic. Ah did that get an eyebrow raise? Do you smell what The Rock's cocking?
Well if it's not a steamed carrot with a cock ring on it. Sorry if you had that on your bucket list. No...I remember way back clicking this thing on a when you go to a where are they now page from another page...and get sucked in kinda thing. I click it cause some guys saying he's like sex machine 1987 and shit....he's saying he can do all this stuff by going all true blood on women without a thrust? I don't know...not much of a zen kama sutra guy myself.....not even into tyin em up...js.
While musing on this however...I came up with...what about a guy that has a seizure? Seriously....don't hit that X now...unless its got two more behind it...before I make this of course, you need a control for this experiment...and now I'm sure someone has done this. It was probably your English teacher from first grade...but hey....ahead of their time and all.
Enter the control : A strobe light. Get hot and heavy, do your thing...the guy does...well whatever gets you happy, and when it starts to dip off to the mundane...or you just want some fire....hit the lights. BAM. INSTA SEIZURE, with penetration!
Now if you were paying attention....the broke back Don Juan I mentioned earlier had some claim to doing something like this....and it's just the best ever for women. I wonder how he would know this....since well he looked like a fucking Idiot making air hump motions but I'm sure someone likes that too...So if you guy is down...and has this reaction...which I could only imagine is erratic and indeed very Vampire in True Blood fashionable all up in there.....would it work? Would you be flabbergasted and exhausted? Would he like it?
Now I know I said I wonder if someone has this fetish...and I'm sure someone tried it...but now like all idea's and knowledge...I have opened panodora's box. Fuck. Now someone is headed to find a guy on tinder that says may have seizures....if you do be sure to share...we care!
Ok so I guess I was more being a mad than a ponderer....but why would you expect anything else from world. I mean come on...take a video...we can go into business on that shit!