Now you know by now the title says it all. Right? No. Well, then. I must have let you all down if you can't follow this moral abortion of oral fecal pieces and rudimentary broscience as of yet.
No I jest people. I just wrote that to see who will actually click to get to the real meat and taters of this one. SO. I guess we need to address some more world level fuckery here. Never blame my opinions and the opinions of other genius level reprobates from the other side of the tracks on the world....this is all our own. Ok with that said lets dig in. So how bout that R Kelly......
Yes. By now most of you are fuming....I mean you were all good when it came to the bump and grind and gettin yo bootie felt on....or you believed you could how was that for uplifting...maybe played it at your wedding...or in a morose diatribe a funeral. But we aren't here to really....I dont need more gasoline poured on my burning house of ideas....not yet.
I want to just throw out an uneducated opinion...idea...logic...well as close as I can get anyways to this unforeseen thing in this hipster world. Ok we get an R Kelly Scandal...when 2008? I really don't remember. Still he much like my hope for a happy affluent life had it dismissed....or was acquitted...whichever.
I bring this up not to defame him....I'm sure many fans left his stable and he gained's no surprise that any publicity will elect a direct response. No publicity is bad publicity right? Like when I pulled my penis out and got put in the women's pen since they couldn't identify me as a man?? Anyways...we are def pointed in a direction here....probably down like some women's nipples...but that's alright! Like the pee videos....some folks are really into that! Fr....I mean...its a no nipple night on the town crowd....
Ok. Let's get to it...this is going to be like a Saturday night with your pay by the hour girlfriend from here on out. So he got off in 2008, I don't remember why, how...or details. And NO I am not fucking going to google your own research. Then in 2019 with the me too and erm....times up? Movements in place along with some really beyond insane feminist bowel movements....he comes up as having repeated his past bad behavior.
Hold up. Wait. What?
I mean of course no one with some odd sexual appetite or innuendo would ever dare tempt the might fates and do it again! I mean the hand of justice is swift and rehabilitates quickly with a burning fist! No. Sorry people. That's just not the case. People like this...they do this for well...I don't know why. But....I think once it's ok and not even a taboo for becomes an addiction...a way of life. You need that rock? You need this shot...and a beer? Well they need some kind of morose satisfaction of a sexual nature.
I'm on track here...I'm leading up to's like that building orgasm then the big let down....the "thats it?" moment. Anyways. I'm not going to excuse R Kelly, not actually here to pass judgment on him, that's coming soon enough. I'm here to put the idea of how behind it. I know a lot of you already said does he do it??
We don't know why, but how? Well, of course the parents or the guardians of said underage victims. You knew it was coming. I hope they read this...outside making me famous without a murder charge or some other sadistic hedonistic epilogue to my life, and that they talk about how I am some horrible monster....or retarded illiterate hate monger.
Though these may well prove true least I would NEVER sell my kids souls. I wouldn't allow someones money to push me to feed my children to their appetites. These people claim to be fucking innocent? How the fuck your kid getting flown across the country to hang with R Kelly>>>? The fuck. And after the thing in 2008 you think "oh it's great! R Kelly wants to hang with little Suzi!!!!" Motherfucker please. No one in this world is that fucking dense.
Then like Cosby....after whatever happens get keep getting paid. You have ammo....your gun's loaded. The victim was your child! Oh my God. The humanity!!! How could he. Well bitch, how could he not?? You knew what this shit was on. Oh callin em a bitch?? Well that goes for Moms and Dads. Sell your kids fucking souls to get a quick in life? Fuck you. My parents sold their fucking souls to jobs to provide for me, and it would never be the other way around. Get your mind right.....hopefully the jail with Tyrone and Big Barbara is in your future too.
Hell. I'd convict R Kelly and let him piss on both of you fuckers. And this has went on wayyy too long. Apologies children...wait no... I don't want to have any celebs filtering here when they read that. Folks. Apologies folks, I'm gonna cut this one short for now. Needless to say...I could see a part two to address these fucking waste of skin that are parents dealing in their children.
Who gives a fuck she a ho??? Its not a choice when its a fucking grown ass man that's rich and fucking famous! Stop pushing your lack of moral compass on a generation that doesen't need any help finding the keys to the door to hell.
Ok OK. I'm done. Fuck it.
Yes. By now most of you are fuming....I mean you were all good when it came to the bump and grind and gettin yo bootie felt on....or you believed you could how was that for uplifting...maybe played it at your wedding...or in a morose diatribe a funeral. But we aren't here to really....I dont need more gasoline poured on my burning house of ideas....not yet.
I want to just throw out an uneducated opinion...idea...logic...well as close as I can get anyways to this unforeseen thing in this hipster world. Ok we get an R Kelly Scandal...when 2008? I really don't remember. Still he much like my hope for a happy affluent life had it dismissed....or was acquitted...whichever.
I bring this up not to defame him....I'm sure many fans left his stable and he gained's no surprise that any publicity will elect a direct response. No publicity is bad publicity right? Like when I pulled my penis out and got put in the women's pen since they couldn't identify me as a man?? Anyways...we are def pointed in a direction here....probably down like some women's nipples...but that's alright! Like the pee videos....some folks are really into that! Fr....I mean...its a no nipple night on the town crowd....
Ok. Let's get to it...this is going to be like a Saturday night with your pay by the hour girlfriend from here on out. So he got off in 2008, I don't remember why, how...or details. And NO I am not fucking going to google your own research. Then in 2019 with the me too and erm....times up? Movements in place along with some really beyond insane feminist bowel movements....he comes up as having repeated his past bad behavior.
Hold up. Wait. What?
I mean of course no one with some odd sexual appetite or innuendo would ever dare tempt the might fates and do it again! I mean the hand of justice is swift and rehabilitates quickly with a burning fist! No. Sorry people. That's just not the case. People like this...they do this for well...I don't know why. But....I think once it's ok and not even a taboo for becomes an addiction...a way of life. You need that rock? You need this shot...and a beer? Well they need some kind of morose satisfaction of a sexual nature.
I'm on track here...I'm leading up to's like that building orgasm then the big let down....the "thats it?" moment. Anyways. I'm not going to excuse R Kelly, not actually here to pass judgment on him, that's coming soon enough. I'm here to put the idea of how behind it. I know a lot of you already said does he do it??
We don't know why, but how? Well, of course the parents or the guardians of said underage victims. You knew it was coming. I hope they read this...outside making me famous without a murder charge or some other sadistic hedonistic epilogue to my life, and that they talk about how I am some horrible monster....or retarded illiterate hate monger.
Though these may well prove true least I would NEVER sell my kids souls. I wouldn't allow someones money to push me to feed my children to their appetites. These people claim to be fucking innocent? How the fuck your kid getting flown across the country to hang with R Kelly>>>? The fuck. And after the thing in 2008 you think "oh it's great! R Kelly wants to hang with little Suzi!!!!" Motherfucker please. No one in this world is that fucking dense.
Then like Cosby....after whatever happens get keep getting paid. You have ammo....your gun's loaded. The victim was your child! Oh my God. The humanity!!! How could he. Well bitch, how could he not?? You knew what this shit was on. Oh callin em a bitch?? Well that goes for Moms and Dads. Sell your kids fucking souls to get a quick in life? Fuck you. My parents sold their fucking souls to jobs to provide for me, and it would never be the other way around. Get your mind right.....hopefully the jail with Tyrone and Big Barbara is in your future too.
Hell. I'd convict R Kelly and let him piss on both of you fuckers. And this has went on wayyy too long. Apologies children...wait no... I don't want to have any celebs filtering here when they read that. Folks. Apologies folks, I'm gonna cut this one short for now. Needless to say...I could see a part two to address these fucking waste of skin that are parents dealing in their children.
Who gives a fuck she a ho??? Its not a choice when its a fucking grown ass man that's rich and fucking famous! Stop pushing your lack of moral compass on a generation that doesen't need any help finding the keys to the door to hell.
Ok OK. I'm done. Fuck it.