Anyways...the rest is Irish/Scottish with twelve percent....I'm like ok...well whats my daughters? Her's is the one I mentioned being lit....with so many cool break downs and shit....and it comes back with three places...I forget exact but its similar to me...and throw in the Netherlands. How the fuck? I guess you gotta pay to play with these assholes....I wanna see the break down to the t, fuck all this maybe England maybe Belgium....maybe Scandinavia...I need the TRUTH.
And yes. I can handle the fucking truth, fuck you talking about. Anyways be weary if you get the budget DNA done don't expect the premium answer...its like oh you might be English or......Romanian! like insert money to find out...and me? I'm like eat a dick, ill go to 23 and me. all you told me is i have 400K people with similar DNA....I got twenty thousand cousins now..thanks.
Old folks hitting me up, hey your my second cousin! I'm like....oh yay! Cool! Then proceed to stick my head in an oven...then I remember that shit's I'm over looking like Robert Englund. But really, I need to explore this more...since I don't know that may folks this white with a tan like me...maybe I missed the memo on that...I just want to know. I mean its cool and all to see where your originated...but then when it says the get all in your feelings and shit......