Then I realize I have a sleeve of tattoos, crazy ass face and hate the world. So much for that leaf turning over.
and suck when your older. Now I see why all these women like to get choked and called bitches....need something new
whats love got to do with it when your getting ass pounded and your face covered up like a widow at a one man bukkake?
Maybe...just maybe.....they are on to something here.
Now, I'm not here to cry, for real. I do pretty well...but my time is monopolized more than Milton Bradly getting the Star Wars license anymore. I said it about five hundred times now, work sucks out life. School sucks out youth....this world is just here to kill you like a cancer. It's a work in progress, and they have made so many mind fuck strides recently its either dumb luck or some got damn genius at the controls. Big red button? Fuck that, all they have to do is put an ad on face book and let you fuck your cousin these days.
It's sad they don't know shit about us but know what to tell us we want. Easy to control people with no direction. Invisible enemies,
imaginary terrorist groups....just speak on it and someone will make the shit real.
I know I don't put much stock in words have power...but when someone is always listening?
That's when shit gets real and all over your feet...the grainy kind...that you cant get off....with grass in it...and it fucking stinks....
and you can't even wash it off with the hose cause you know your shoes will never be the same again.
Well dookie feet, until next time....I'm gonna go abuse myself and choke some homeless soon as I get my good sport jacket and planet of the apes
mask back from the cleaner that is....