By now you shoulda saw it coming. I mean it's not like its summer time....and the wall surely keeps your favorite import beer high on the price chart. Then you have the embargoes on China. What's a hard working American to do? What does the world of 2020 need?
Well, isn't it obvious? Another pandemic! I have spoke here and believe it or not I am not a conspiracy theorist. I said that shit for the last twenty years now....beat that horse, it's wife, and children to death by now....but for some I have to reiterate the statement.
I do however believe in propaganda, and keeping the sheep in line. I believe in gas lighting and posturing to get the best position. So do our leaders, do does every corporation. Before written history you know you had some motherfucker out there casting stones....wait no. He wasn't casting them...he was directing the stones. He was the one that pointed the all mighty finger.
It's just evolved like a virus. Every year....a new epidemic that will end us all. Every group that has favor....has to fall. Everything has to be in a predictable pattern....all the billions....just give them a new Ebola or sequel to SARS, that will fix them. I mean Corona used to be one of my go to its a pandemic waiting to happen from China coming to a home near you faster than cheap iPhone chargers and knock off Air pods.
I mean it's kinda funny how we have some big shit fit with China and next thing ya know they have some new engineered super virus...Doesn't lift any eyebrows since it fits the agenda. It puts up the curtain...cue mirrors.
I won't even go into detail on the last five hundred things that should have killed us. But a few easy ones? SARS, Swine flu, Ebola.....hell of an import scene there. The moral of the story is just live life. This shit is just easier injected now than heroin at a Nirvana tribute show, and it's just how the powers that be like it.
Not making light of it, just saying...if you didn't die last time....probably wont this time. If it don't scare you into a predictable space your obviously an anarchist. Well no, maybe your just an ignorant piece of shit that they use to spread me. I mean that's what I would say about a nae Sayer....oh them dumb fucks are patient zeros waiting to happen!
Grab your aluminum foil hat now!! The end is near! Lock yourself in your Jim Baker bunker! Grab the rations! Leave the kids!! We are the future!! Don't forget your fuck robot though....long after your s/o fails to function it will be there for you! The safest sex of all!! Rape a robot today!
Wait....where did that come from? I guess I done drank the water again.....well you get the point....when you see your going to die on the calendar, turn the page.
Fuck em. We all get to die one day. No time to worry about it till its happened. And then...well it wont matter anymore. Spend time on living your life not on worrying about shit you can't change.
Free we may be but that doesn't mean they didn't just get better at hiding the chains.
I do however believe in propaganda, and keeping the sheep in line. I believe in gas lighting and posturing to get the best position. So do our leaders, do does every corporation. Before written history you know you had some motherfucker out there casting stones....wait no. He wasn't casting them...he was directing the stones. He was the one that pointed the all mighty finger.
It's just evolved like a virus. Every year....a new epidemic that will end us all. Every group that has favor....has to fall. Everything has to be in a predictable pattern....all the billions....just give them a new Ebola or sequel to SARS, that will fix them. I mean Corona used to be one of my go to its a pandemic waiting to happen from China coming to a home near you faster than cheap iPhone chargers and knock off Air pods.
I mean it's kinda funny how we have some big shit fit with China and next thing ya know they have some new engineered super virus...Doesn't lift any eyebrows since it fits the agenda. It puts up the curtain...cue mirrors.
I won't even go into detail on the last five hundred things that should have killed us. But a few easy ones? SARS, Swine flu, Ebola.....hell of an import scene there. The moral of the story is just live life. This shit is just easier injected now than heroin at a Nirvana tribute show, and it's just how the powers that be like it.
Not making light of it, just saying...if you didn't die last time....probably wont this time. If it don't scare you into a predictable space your obviously an anarchist. Well no, maybe your just an ignorant piece of shit that they use to spread me. I mean that's what I would say about a nae Sayer....oh them dumb fucks are patient zeros waiting to happen!
Grab your aluminum foil hat now!! The end is near! Lock yourself in your Jim Baker bunker! Grab the rations! Leave the kids!! We are the future!! Don't forget your fuck robot though....long after your s/o fails to function it will be there for you! The safest sex of all!! Rape a robot today!
Wait....where did that come from? I guess I done drank the water again.....well you get the point....when you see your going to die on the calendar, turn the page.
Fuck em. We all get to die one day. No time to worry about it till its happened. And then...well it wont matter anymore. Spend time on living your life not on worrying about shit you can't change.
Free we may be but that doesn't mean they didn't just get better at hiding the chains.