So I had this whole big blog about nostalgia and how I had been MIA for a month...which now shouldn't be such a surprise...I mean I was gone for year....some hoped I had died for good I'm sure...but no. I aim to displease here. Not going anywhere (hell) but that's only if I don't get this shit strait in the next what fifty years?
Sounds good to me. Mind will still be intact...and maybe I can be skinny again so I will have all that dick......again...
Blue pills? By 2070 you will just buy a new one...I know where my retirements going!
You expected a jk here? Nope. Live with it...put it in the bed and marry it...I mean fuck you can marry a fucking piece of paper with gum on it now...though for some...that may be an upgrade...I'm just going to leave that right.....there.
No don't touch it! Fuck. This is why we never got that fucking ice cream. You thought I forgot it?? It was all green and red and shit...and I always wondered what flavor it was.....But Nooooo.
Wait...where was I? And was the title of this one going to be some hidden inside joke? Kinda like a match stuck up your ass with some herpes bumps on it? Or were those already there.......Hey, I'm not a doctor...well I am if you need your tonsils checked by a blunt instrument...but that's only if you pass the test.
Where can you find the test? Oh! I am so glad you ask....Just send a nude pic to (Censored for your safety) and I will get back with you! I'm going to stop lamenting the loss of the past here....or was it the future....detachable penis and fat chicks peeing in your butt for all!
Hey. It wasn't my idea. It was a guy that used to call himself MDMA....I hear he's into that shit....said it makes ya feel all warm inside...
Blue pills? By 2070 you will just buy a new one...I know where my retirements going!
You expected a jk here? Nope. Live with it...put it in the bed and marry it...I mean fuck you can marry a fucking piece of paper with gum on it now...though for some...that may be an upgrade...I'm just going to leave that right.....there.
No don't touch it! Fuck. This is why we never got that fucking ice cream. You thought I forgot it?? It was all green and red and shit...and I always wondered what flavor it was.....But Nooooo.
Wait...where was I? And was the title of this one going to be some hidden inside joke? Kinda like a match stuck up your ass with some herpes bumps on it? Or were those already there.......Hey, I'm not a doctor...well I am if you need your tonsils checked by a blunt instrument...but that's only if you pass the test.
Where can you find the test? Oh! I am so glad you ask....Just send a nude pic to (Censored for your safety) and I will get back with you! I'm going to stop lamenting the loss of the past here....or was it the future....detachable penis and fat chicks peeing in your butt for all!
Hey. It wasn't my idea. It was a guy that used to call himself MDMA....I hear he's into that shit....said it makes ya feel all warm inside...