I mean I can't complain.....but of course I will....why else would you come here if not to hear me lament about being upper middle class....and succeeding in many aspects of life....being able to keep the gf, side chick and do all the drugs in the world....but I digress. I guess I should focus on career and make a better me....to find the perfect you. *not you...but maybe you....but still....*
I don't know...or I don't care, it's just like spinning tired in your new Lamborghini....you just don't get anywhere no matter how awesome your ride is. I mean there's always hookers...but I don't own a chainsaw....and it's not Halloween yet...so guess that's a fail. But...that's ok.
I'm not here with a cry for help...or to cry about shit being good....na I just play the part on the internet. I guess I should go all reading rainbow Mr. Rogers style on your sesame seed street bun though....and say....remember, in life to do you first. Don't compromise and change to find something in love...in a job of course...lie cheat steal kill...business as usual....but love?
wait..."love? Luv...LOVE? nah. You gotta catch them fly's with vinegar buddy...then show em the honey. Just saying, be single or go on pof, tender...offender...whatever it takes...but dont lose you. It's gonna cost you life and limb just to tend to the untenable....it's like putting a band aid on the toxic avenger.
Anyways I'm sure I had a point but it got lost and this sounded like a downward spiral into woe is me...but by now you should know it's just a genius life lesson in disguise! That or I just needed to kill ten minutes while my beer got hot....