Maybe I should call this the Vag Volume. Since I seem to be in my feeling like my name was Oscar the grouch when he runs out of meth. But. This is my shit. And if I say it here…it’s the whole so let it be written…so Let it be done.
Hey that was good right? No? Well fuck you. I didn’t wear a condom and I got aids.No not like that…from Charlie sheen’s ex. You know….B author? Wait…no…I think it was that fat hooker wearing a planet of the apes mask with herpes. Or was it the chainsaw I cut my dick on when I went for a trim. I don’t fucking know anymore.
But does it matter to you? You probably come here every few months…like coming to see a loved one that’s terminally ill…you don’t do it to help. You do it out of some morose responsibility and the chance I this….it…we…may be dead. That’s cool though…cause Ima be here for a lil bit. Well. Unless I like get happy and shit. You know…soul mate, I love her…married…more children…hash pipe….er tag.
Yeah That drug on like your speed ball addiction, and I aint talkin new warriors. Im talking fucking heron blast with a side of cocaine… your brain like a lawnmower chewing up a Mexican garners foot after he stepped in some dog shit. Wait….what?
Hey that was good right? No? Well fuck you. I didn’t wear a condom and I got aids.No not like that…from Charlie sheen’s ex. You know….B author? Wait…no…I think it was that fat hooker wearing a planet of the apes mask with herpes. Or was it the chainsaw I cut my dick on when I went for a trim. I don’t fucking know anymore.
But does it matter to you? You probably come here every few months…like coming to see a loved one that’s terminally ill…you don’t do it to help. You do it out of some morose responsibility and the chance I this….it…we…may be dead. That’s cool though…cause Ima be here for a lil bit. Well. Unless I like get happy and shit. You know…soul mate, I love her…married…more children…hash pipe….er tag.
Yeah That drug on like your speed ball addiction, and I aint talkin new warriors. Im talking fucking heron blast with a side of cocaine… your brain like a lawnmower chewing up a Mexican garners foot after he stepped in some dog shit. Wait….what?