Bring money. Isnt that the order of the day. No the life. The love. The relationships. Its like being black and dying or if your white....paying taxes and dying. I hear this shit every day. I fight the mirror and rationalize. I let guilt keep me in place like I got hit by a haymaker from Mike.
Does it keep me up at night? Na. Thats the pills. No really, no....wait...its also sexual desire and the insufferable pursuit of making the small head happy. Did I say small? Well, I would say find out but you know we got too many guys named Mac I cant just justify saying that in this day and age.
Yeah but for real, bring money. It makes your life easier, I dont care how you make it but you gotta make it. And when you make gotta fake it. I fake it, but I gotta be professional. I see so many backwater shit fucks that would fuck a duck and slit your fucking throat everyday. They claim innocence and lie to themselves so hard you could call em Costanza. I dont lie to myself I just bully myself into fuckin it all up. But I can at least admit to the one person who has to answer for that shit.
I mean hey if I brought you money youd be happy, and if I took yours youd be pissed. Maybe if I was rich I could be happily married right? Comfortable? Happy in general?
Id be single as fuck, and probably overdosed on so much heroin and pussy it would kill Ozzy and Dave Mustaine combined. But....I can admit it. And I dont give a fuck if you think its a joke or me being extra or crazy or whatever the word of the week is.
One day is my motto, even if it is five years from now. I will be complete in myself and I will find zen but I aint gonna rub its cock and play dead. Im gonna fucking make it work. I will take the peace through war fuck the bullshit and fuck all the Ghandi bullshit you read and try to say you live life by. A lie to yourself is worth a million to the masses. You lie to you and you cant be trusted by anyone period. See the water for the sewer and keep them eyeballs floating...maybe you can catch some brains in there with all the piss and dirty dick shit covered condoms too....but hey...I dont know.
So Im out. Im tired of life lessons till I write a book for you to live life by that I know is a fucking lie. Its the best way to do it...but remember kids...Bring money...or Go the fuck home.
Yeah but for real, bring money. It makes your life easier, I dont care how you make it but you gotta make it. And when you make gotta fake it. I fake it, but I gotta be professional. I see so many backwater shit fucks that would fuck a duck and slit your fucking throat everyday. They claim innocence and lie to themselves so hard you could call em Costanza. I dont lie to myself I just bully myself into fuckin it all up. But I can at least admit to the one person who has to answer for that shit.
I mean hey if I brought you money youd be happy, and if I took yours youd be pissed. Maybe if I was rich I could be happily married right? Comfortable? Happy in general?
Id be single as fuck, and probably overdosed on so much heroin and pussy it would kill Ozzy and Dave Mustaine combined. But....I can admit it. And I dont give a fuck if you think its a joke or me being extra or crazy or whatever the word of the week is.
One day is my motto, even if it is five years from now. I will be complete in myself and I will find zen but I aint gonna rub its cock and play dead. Im gonna fucking make it work. I will take the peace through war fuck the bullshit and fuck all the Ghandi bullshit you read and try to say you live life by. A lie to yourself is worth a million to the masses. You lie to you and you cant be trusted by anyone period. See the water for the sewer and keep them eyeballs floating...maybe you can catch some brains in there with all the piss and dirty dick shit covered condoms too....but hey...I dont know.
So Im out. Im tired of life lessons till I write a book for you to live life by that I know is a fucking lie. Its the best way to do it...but remember kids...Bring money...or Go the fuck home.