What happened here in America.....Its not a fucking question. Its a statement. We started this motherfucking gangster shit and this is the motherfucking thanks we get? You see that European union shit? I don't know anything about really except it sound's a lot like this thing I call America. And you know what I don't care how shitty the government is supposed to be and how bad it is here supposedly Ima live and die here since its what I do. And I don't have to be a patriot to say it.
You know how folks always talk about or told you not to burn bridges? You notice how for those that conformed and were sheepish and helpless in their real formative youth ie; high school they turn into arsonist and burn it all down? Kind of like I have been known to do for no better reason than I suppose I am insane....or I just give maybe an iota of a fuck...for right now...but not later.
You ever hear or read that title that says....seeking like minded......yeah whatever. Well I wonder who would be my like minded partner in something creative? I mean hitler's dead...and so is Ted Bundy....so shit what am I going to do? Go get some lightning and shock btk back to life? Now your over here depressing me....and I dont have any music on...and its almost time to bed....but isnt that why when where and how I write?
Here we are again saving trees like a guy thats dying from a mental disease....or at least has a drinking problem. Maybe lives in a camper trailer and is mad cause he makes seventy five thousand a year and has thirteen kids so his check is three dollars and fifty six cents a week, and thats before taxes.
AuthorYour Saint For Suicide as seen on your T.V. Categories
February 2015