Here we go!
Back on a thrill ride like the joker at a nursery with a school bus and a pocket full of fentanyl. This one might take a while, but you know how much you complain when it comes out too fast. Oh and yeah I'm plugging being inconsistent here before the fact like when I hit it from the back and nut in twelve seconds three strokes cause I knew all that talk just went up in smoke. Live on live longer, or don't, kill yourself with drugs and alcohol, but life is what you make it kids.
So yeah I came back to say I have a lot of stuff going right now. Finally getting to that sequential art work I lamented how many times? Yeah I'm not fucking reading everything to bring over one of those old marvel bullpen type boxes from the eighties to refer you to it. Just know I did! Also my book is oh about two years late at this point for one fucking story...that stories like using delay spray on your dick but then your girl used the last long lube on her ass, then gets mad when you can hit a home run like Sammy Sosa with your dick and it's stays Louiville slugger hard. It just wont finish....and of course it has to be there. If it's not? Well if its not no book, no look, no luck, this is like the eleventh commandment of writing right?
Either way, life is placated now so the output is down, projects are numerous, shit let me plug some like you do your butt hole with those fancy things with the hearts on em, depending on the ass its a win though, Ima give you ladies that one. So I got short fiction book ninety five percent, I got the Self-Help book sixty, then I got the comic right at done. Been busy yeah....just not busy shitting in your ears, eyes and brain so much. Apologies to all who have had a great recovery, I will do better to ruin your future outlook I promise!
Well fuck. Just buy the next book of these, my kids gotta eat!
Well. They will be like thirty by the time it's done....but hey I might be in a home by then...
Then I'll need to eat!
Fuck it. Eat it. Sleep on it.
But yeah, support my shit. I'd (probably) do it for when you tell her
do you first then you'll do her. Of course you nut in three seconds, and say oh when I wake up I got ya! Then when she goes into the bathroom to get the mouth wash you climb out the window....
Why are you looking at me like that? Hasn't everyone done that......
So yeah I came back to say I have a lot of stuff going right now. Finally getting to that sequential art work I lamented how many times? Yeah I'm not fucking reading everything to bring over one of those old marvel bullpen type boxes from the eighties to refer you to it. Just know I did! Also my book is oh about two years late at this point for one fucking story...that stories like using delay spray on your dick but then your girl used the last long lube on her ass, then gets mad when you can hit a home run like Sammy Sosa with your dick and it's stays Louiville slugger hard. It just wont finish....and of course it has to be there. If it's not? Well if its not no book, no look, no luck, this is like the eleventh commandment of writing right?
Either way, life is placated now so the output is down, projects are numerous, shit let me plug some like you do your butt hole with those fancy things with the hearts on em, depending on the ass its a win though, Ima give you ladies that one. So I got short fiction book ninety five percent, I got the Self-Help book sixty, then I got the comic right at done. Been busy yeah....just not busy shitting in your ears, eyes and brain so much. Apologies to all who have had a great recovery, I will do better to ruin your future outlook I promise!
Well fuck. Just buy the next book of these, my kids gotta eat!
Well. They will be like thirty by the time it's done....but hey I might be in a home by then...
Then I'll need to eat!
Fuck it. Eat it. Sleep on it.
But yeah, support my shit. I'd (probably) do it for when you tell her
do you first then you'll do her. Of course you nut in three seconds, and say oh when I wake up I got ya! Then when she goes into the bathroom to get the mouth wash you climb out the window....
Why are you looking at me like that? Hasn't everyone done that......