So Ive been thinking. Well im lying I dont really think, ever. Believe it or not, I dont go around thinking...or as my Dad would call it...Pondering. I dont do that shit it only leads to bad things, trust me I know and wrote a book or three about it by now. No I was thinking about all the odd shit you think or I think...and believe its unique to you.
Like when you get a zit and you wonder....does anyone else get this zit? Like a zit on your right ass cheak. That shit hurts and you pop it and it hurts like a bastard think maybe Im the only person to ever get that zit...fuck my world. No your probably not guy. You probably wonder...if other people out there reverse sixty nine with the spouse or random hook ups....but when you bring your next victim....erm....escort...shit, thats better, home it's a natural fit. Skull fuck anyone? Yeah, then you start to grow out your beard but it seems kind of thin on one side...and you wonder if anyone looks at that shit and his beard is kind of lopsided and thin over there. Well guess what...they probably do. People are fucking wierd. Not wierd like me of course, Im strange since most of the time I see everything and just look past it. But I am an analytical asshole that just doesent say much about those things that would probably be so shallow that if indentified would make you go on a shooting spree. Like when you have hard nipples and its 103 degrees outside, or your topae is kind of off center...and you can see where you had to get some spray to fill in the gap. Hey I notice...but I spare you out of the goodness of my heart of hearts. I just come here and write something about a porcupine sleeping on the toilet paper roll in the dark when you go to the bathroom with the runs, after said porcupine spent the night at magic johnsons after he a perm. And you wonder how I deal with the worlds issues with a straight face? One word...or rather three (3) for our illiterate readers; DMT. You know Jake the snakes finishing move? The one that turned The Macho Man into a vampire and killed Gary Coleman.
With that Im out, I would describe what Im doing right now...but I think the fake pussy Im with wants to remain anonomous.
With that Im out, I would describe what Im doing right now...but I think the fake pussy Im with wants to remain anonomous.