Ever wonder why you dont just break down and cry while slashing your wrist listening to the first six am album....also wondering during your suicide how all the acclaim went over to Nikki Six.....yeah all you did was play the bass? Again? Really? Did you write the words? Or did the guns part of guns and roses you hired on do all that too....I mean the album was pretty good, seriously...but share the lime light man who do you think you are mountain dew?
Really I dont mind Nikki Six that much but he is at best the Kool Aids man...he aint no fucking mountain dew. Now back to the suicide notation that keeps rotation on the radio for so many rappers....It's just one of those days. Everyone sucks, and I see it so much you'd swear I was born with bifocals.
Then the crushing bills that you accrue by simply being born or breathing begin to lay on you like a lazy fat bitch in a Persian statue on display at the pink palace and before you know it it's a tool song happening. Shit, blood, cum...but not on your hands.....cause the razor was so sharp you said fuck it and just cut them bitch's off...I mean if you dont have those and you survive you'll at least get a check right?
Probably. This is Animerica, it's such a cartoon these days. So fuck it go watch some American Dad and The simpsons....family guy not so much...and Clevland Show....maybe...if your some kind Jason Bateman white guy thats ended up in a predominatly black community thats trying to find some common ground.
With that Im going to dip out of here, and not kill myself since lthey would probably just hire an illegal alien to clean that shit up, or Id sit here and rot since noone seems to know the difference between shit and candy around here now anyways, I mean seriously people your like dracula with false teeth, kill yourself and do the world a favor now....there's still hope.
Then the crushing bills that you accrue by simply being born or breathing begin to lay on you like a lazy fat bitch in a Persian statue on display at the pink palace and before you know it it's a tool song happening. Shit, blood, cum...but not on your hands.....cause the razor was so sharp you said fuck it and just cut them bitch's off...I mean if you dont have those and you survive you'll at least get a check right?
Probably. This is Animerica, it's such a cartoon these days. So fuck it go watch some American Dad and The simpsons....family guy not so much...and Clevland Show....maybe...if your some kind Jason Bateman white guy thats ended up in a predominatly black community thats trying to find some common ground.
With that Im going to dip out of here, and not kill myself since lthey would probably just hire an illegal alien to clean that shit up, or Id sit here and rot since noone seems to know the difference between shit and candy around here now anyways, I mean seriously people your like dracula with false teeth, kill yourself and do the world a favor now....there's still hope.