Lets get down to it and just admit society is fucked. Of late I see why I hate just about everything ever....yet I for some reason try to act a little nicer and like some of it...maybe age does bring wisdom?
Or just makes you faker.
Yeah probably that.
When your a little kid you say what you think and you have some real ass beliefs, sans the pollution we eat shit and sleep on every day. I mean just look on face book.
I see so much shit from people that have no idea who's even sending up that leading shit. Talk about flock of sheep.....fat sheep must be the cows off to the slaughter since eveyrthing has started changing enmasse and not just talking about the times here....read machavelli dear congress and pres....talk it out, live it, love it. Maybe pick up some robert greene since all he does is writes cliff notes on that shit for you.
Oh and I didnt go into detail about what I was alluding to above? Well *cough* I think it's like some kind of cognizant fix...a gift I get...no shit fuck off serious moment here.....yeah. So I get these insights on what its about and why...and how this and that scenario work together....and then the gift curse kicks in and I forget that shit. Deepass badass make a million exposing the secrets of man shit and you forgot you say?
Yeah shit happens, work three hundred hours a day....requires some knowledge of doc brown's cailbur and some good ole crystal meth. But thats for another day...maybe Ill get you a rain check on it? Maybe you put some epson salt in that check and inject it directly behind your eye then take it out...and shove it up someones ass.
I hear thats the old way of doing that dodo camera thing...you try it and get back to me then ok?
Yeah probably that.
When your a little kid you say what you think and you have some real ass beliefs, sans the pollution we eat shit and sleep on every day. I mean just look on face book.
I see so much shit from people that have no idea who's even sending up that leading shit. Talk about flock of sheep.....fat sheep must be the cows off to the slaughter since eveyrthing has started changing enmasse and not just talking about the times here....read machavelli dear congress and pres....talk it out, live it, love it. Maybe pick up some robert greene since all he does is writes cliff notes on that shit for you.
Oh and I didnt go into detail about what I was alluding to above? Well *cough* I think it's like some kind of cognizant fix...a gift I get...no shit fuck off serious moment here.....yeah. So I get these insights on what its about and why...and how this and that scenario work together....and then the gift curse kicks in and I forget that shit. Deepass badass make a million exposing the secrets of man shit and you forgot you say?
Yeah shit happens, work three hundred hours a day....requires some knowledge of doc brown's cailbur and some good ole crystal meth. But thats for another day...maybe Ill get you a rain check on it? Maybe you put some epson salt in that check and inject it directly behind your eye then take it out...and shove it up someones ass.
I hear thats the old way of doing that dodo camera thing...you try it and get back to me then ok?