I haven't been writing in a while. Truth be told....here of all places...I know....have gotten behind with these but you know what I say about that? Fuck it. This is my playground, I used to pull em out like an image founder turned Robert Kirkman minus the dick envy and Grisly Adams strap on. Now I'm back to being subtle and trying to get some things in order.....kind of like I have time but not time to do it.
No regrets of course, as this in and of explanation is not to confuse but hereby rectify that I am defining the course in which the lack of compensation has hereunto come from. There now doesn't that sound better out loud? Like when you tied down and shanked in the side to bleed out but the only thing coming out is chocolate covered cherry's and you'd have thought it would have been like a Starwars dream fight between Yoda and Darth Vader in there.....for shame.
Yeah so this one is phishing and phisting your pysche but you need it. Admonish the wicked when you too are evil at heart. Im just a white guy trying to get a tan and look mexican telling you how it is was andd will be.....but fuck it you dont need that shit if your here cause you already know and knowing is half the battle...the other half is whips and hand cuffs...maybe zipper mask and jigsaw....or a hospital bed and no anestisia...but thats better left for another story.....
Yeah so this one is phishing and phisting your pysche but you need it. Admonish the wicked when you too are evil at heart. Im just a white guy trying to get a tan and look mexican telling you how it is was andd will be.....but fuck it you dont need that shit if your here cause you already know and knowing is half the battle...the other half is whips and hand cuffs...maybe zipper mask and jigsaw....or a hospital bed and no anestisia...but thats better left for another story.....