So you caught me. I said this was gonna be better, focused...compassionate, full of dreams. But instead its full of anal beads and unwelcome anguished screams. Fuck it that's what it takes to get you off! Ill set this thing to vibrate and then gyrate this shit like a washing machine with three dead kittens and a puppy. The puppy of course isn't dead. It just had a stroke, get over it, shit happens. Make a commercial with some sad looking half drown pound puppies....or would it be ground puppies?
Like wheres the beef? wait...could that be where's the beast?
I don't know.
With that out of the way you should know by now this is a 2x a week blog now. I need the hits, acid, smack, crack...just shoot em right into that big vien on my dick...or maybe in my taint. Either way shit's gonna get real since Ima be kicking out more work. For your pleasure or for your wheel chair suicide suck and fuck I do not know, nice wording there right? No? Well fuck you then. Tune in same time same channel no bats just rats in the spaghettio's next time you inbred sewer fuck morlocks, erm I mean ladies and gentlemen :). *note the smiley face makes it all ok, and if it doesent, you dont have the dick far enough up your ass*
I don't know.
With that out of the way you should know by now this is a 2x a week blog now. I need the hits, acid, smack, crack...just shoot em right into that big vien on my dick...or maybe in my taint. Either way shit's gonna get real since Ima be kicking out more work. For your pleasure or for your wheel chair suicide suck and fuck I do not know, nice wording there right? No? Well fuck you then. Tune in same time same channel no bats just rats in the spaghettio's next time you inbred sewer fuck morlocks, erm I mean ladies and gentlemen :). *note the smiley face makes it all ok, and if it doesent, you dont have the dick far enough up your ass*