You ever want to recreate that scene in Scarface where the guy gets hung from the helicopter? No, not with someone else.....not this time. I mean when dealing with these reprobates that pass for something resembling mouth breathing inmates speak to you and you just want to jump out the window and into a noose hanging from an already waiting chopper.
Sure give new meaning to Get to the choppa. Would sure work out for me since it would look like an epic fail but would in fact be your biggest win. You don't think so? I forgot this generation never had Looney tunes to inspire them to blow off their limbs with explosives or throw a loved one down the stairs onto a bed of knives. Those are the good things people....not gonna touch the homoerotic overtones of a situationally homosexual rabbit.
Wait...where were we? Back on the public display of auto erotic asphysiaition? Maybe I should leave it be and put david cardines vampire back in the grave...since thi season of true blood already has enough ninjas and clows with cucumber finger tips clubbing one another with spunk shakes and silver strap ons. Hmmm maybe thats not going on...but It hasnt happened how do you know it WONT happen? On that Not Im out of here...but leave you with something to keep your head up high other than a hard dick and bottle of whiskey ladies, prove me wrong. Its gonna be a lifetime achievment award in for you if you succeed.
Wait...where were we? Back on the public display of auto erotic asphysiaition? Maybe I should leave it be and put david cardines vampire back in the grave...since thi season of true blood already has enough ninjas and clows with cucumber finger tips clubbing one another with spunk shakes and silver strap ons. Hmmm maybe thats not going on...but It hasnt happened how do you know it WONT happen? On that Not Im out of here...but leave you with something to keep your head up high other than a hard dick and bottle of whiskey ladies, prove me wrong. Its gonna be a lifetime achievment award in for you if you succeed.