I would like to dedicate this space.....a MySpace if you will...sue me bitches. To those I have left behind. Oh and in doing so that no longer exist in this world of mine or to any degree abjectly influence the world or this universe since I being the wisest man today.....don't give a fuck about the how what when or the were or even the wear for these no doubt cross dressing mimes in grandmas underwear.
SO with all that out of the way I suppose you wonder what has prompted such a studious effort on my part? Well I don't know I just think it's a blast from the past like those people that forget you and don't seem to understand that being a superpower...like me you are no doubt cursed to never forget.
Especially the stupid ass people that annoy you and inspire books about nothing in the vein of Costanza after he roomed up with frank and started smoking crystal meth in the mean streets of Philly. I'm sure someone got that.....also I think just maybe one day I will get the recognition I surely do not deserve, as it will be a huge - sign hanging up by my head like a revolver with eight bullets in it since they have to make that sure I am really going to be dead....this time.
OK I know I didnt get deep on this but I dont have a condom and its kind of hot in here anyways.....so dont get any ideas on heavy petting today. And your friend is eyeing me like a bean burrito but im sorry im not into beastiality. So get her back in the cage and catch me on spring morning with the sun coming up, get your black eye and coffee to match with a freefall down the stairs for the paltry price of a biscuit and maybe some bacon.
This blog brought to you by Skully.....Schully? What the fuck was that guys name....Im sure if I knew it he would agree that he brought this to you since he hasnt done shit in like thirteen years......until I remember the name or will alt tab to google it....I remain your Superman
Especially the stupid ass people that annoy you and inspire books about nothing in the vein of Costanza after he roomed up with frank and started smoking crystal meth in the mean streets of Philly. I'm sure someone got that.....also I think just maybe one day I will get the recognition I surely do not deserve, as it will be a huge - sign hanging up by my head like a revolver with eight bullets in it since they have to make that sure I am really going to be dead....this time.
OK I know I didnt get deep on this but I dont have a condom and its kind of hot in here anyways.....so dont get any ideas on heavy petting today. And your friend is eyeing me like a bean burrito but im sorry im not into beastiality. So get her back in the cage and catch me on spring morning with the sun coming up, get your black eye and coffee to match with a freefall down the stairs for the paltry price of a biscuit and maybe some bacon.
This blog brought to you by Skully.....Schully? What the fuck was that guys name....Im sure if I knew it he would agree that he brought this to you since he hasnt done shit in like thirteen years......until I remember the name or will alt tab to google it....I remain your Superman