So, you wanna know what I hate? Other than society, the world in general, work, aliens, Paulie Shore, Jesse the vj....ok Im not going to write three thousand words of things I hate, for one I think that would be too much of an understatement....Oh but it is nearing tax time....yeah I bet your wondering when I wrote this blog hmmm? How bout you wonder why your farts smell like dirty dick instead....but I digress. Its almost tax time everyone im sure is beaming all happy and shit...I of course do not share your I woulda been a rapist but ran out of a Toyota...its not my fault it ran over them three hobo's...kind of vigor and excitement for this occasion.
Why you ask with furrowed brow and dirty underwear....because the good ole government has decided I being one of the "Lucky" Americans to have a job...two in fact, should pay in ninety percent of any taxes I may get back for said luxury. Example is in 2011 I was to get one thousand x amount of dollars job a...then I add in job b...I get back ninety dollars. Ok so dont get me wrong....but is Chris Angel in charge of the IRS or something now? Cause it looks like a pretty good bit of my fucking money just vanished...kinda like a pregnancy at the prom. Yeah, I guess Im just venting but thats really fucked up. I dont work two jobs cause im greedy, or I like it, I fucking have to to pay my bills. Why should I be punished for keeping the jobs I got which dont pay me any more than someone with a single job...actually probably pay less but i get by....but I suppose Im putting some hard working person out of work right? I mean who wants to sit at home and play with their balls while collecting a check...oh and get to eat all the name brand shit I wanna eat since you get food stamps which it turns out are exchangeable for beer, cigarettes, sex, drugs and netflix subscriptions....who knew? I suppose thats the point I was here to randomly avoid and try to paint a shit green picture of, but who knows really? And why so many fucking questions this week?? Why are you still reading omg isnt your insulin shot late? So in closing dont work, sit, shit, eat, sleep, fuck, drink, huff gas, glue elephant shit to your face all day as long as you can since you can't do it in prison or dunkin donuts.
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This blog has been brought to you by The Goree Unit, The Encyclopedia Dramatica and The letter P.