This blog is like a perpendicular right hypotenuses triangle. You know I have no fucking clue what all that is...outside some abstract reference to geometry, the other math, home of dropouts and underachievers everywhere. So writing this serial blog has show me that I can maintain a schedule...well of sorts, that's a bad word to a writer since...yes I am a fucking talent you say??? this isn't even a blog??!
Wow see the abuse I come here to even more an artist that I thought then with all these slanderous remarks I have to I was saying...I do write...I wish I could focus it a bit more of course but that would take....well focus. It feels good to come in and throw something out weekly, even if it is a worm crusted pile of rotten fruit and wazabi sometimes. Its what it if i were probably be sweating in the middle of winter over what goes here...but alas no one has made me rich yet so you guys are stuck with kittens in the microwave and my current blog until such time. Ok with all of that lament gone maybe we can discuss how cold it is in my house right now. I said it was cold before I am well aware but today its like so cold you'd welcome someone telling you to go die in a fire....cause the hate might keep you warm....even my mega hot pc cant burn back the cold...I think it like many things in life is set to betrayal mode when it comes to it loved the cold....and ya I could turn the heat on...but that would raise the bill...and I wouldn't have anything to bitch or talk about how Mr freeze drives an ice cream truck and sticks his dick in the wrappers....well maybe it will be warm next week..or im going to install a barrel and burn some newspapers in it...but then what would I sleep under.....
This blog brought to you by Freddie Kruger and the rev Jesse Jackson....special consideration sponsered in part by Type 2 diabetes and the letter z.
This blog brought to you by Freddie Kruger and the rev Jesse Jackson....special consideration sponsered in part by Type 2 diabetes and the letter z.