So I'm still here. Yeah like the person you try to ignore no matter what they say or do...I mean like super fucking rudesilent treatment do your best to be nice to someone else ignore type shit. But yeah still here listening to some music...someold school Metallica from before they all had lobotomies...I mean what the fuck this is you not drinking? This is what happens when you let someone else help write the songs? Wow yeah, glad your already rich or youd fucking know if those first albums hadnt been so instrumental great inventive....I'd have said wouldnt have hurt if you had before...but you know I do have a lot of respect for the pre sober, balless, alshiemer suffering interation of metallica.
You ran off jason newsteed for fucks sake too, the guy did everything he could for your money maker....which is indeed in hind site his fuck up though he is rich...kinda makes it hard to feel so bad for him since he gets paid everytime someone that owns one of your albums farts...but still he did seem to look past even the money in some ways and you just bent him over and fucked him with a hot poker, lawl no pun intended....really.
Maybe lars should sue me or get Dave to come beat me up...i mean I have no money and I doubt some oldass man's gonna just knock on the door
and git me speacially when i would just cry whiplash and sue both of em for like a billion dollars :) So yeah feel free to send out the hit squad lars....yes...I could use some money everytime someone thinks the name metallica...
Ok anyways really the big think here is what the fuck
happened?? I mean the load albums....yeah I can deal with em now since they are so old and Im older not as upset by the balance shift but then you did
saint anger....and I was like WHAT THE FUCK i shit you not my ears were bleeding and I think i suffered testicular torsion after my attempt to listen
to the entire album all the way through. Then I actually overcame by never looking directly at it....the horror of saint anger, and hold the idea
if they totally recut the album, with REAL production values...worth a fuck solo's etc. It could be good, well maybe if they threw it in a fucking
time machine and had the metallica from ninteeneightyfuckingseven redo it but ok. Then their new album...death magnetic get these snipits
and its like oh shit that riffs bad ass or you see on youtube the unforgiven three doodle *which did NOT make it onto the song* well ok a doodle that
was really cool I go out and buy the album...and its...well ok its bearable but really it still fucking sucks overall Im sorry. I can listen
to it sing along but its by no means up to the standard sorry guys, get high drunk rape some hookers suck some old man cocks just do something your sound is like eating an ebola sandwitch....Ok I can still stand the album i wont lie. But then....this metallica lou reed shit came out....
OH MY FUCKING YOUR FUCKING ANYONES FUCKING GOD. Thats an art project? Dude thats a fucking gorilla raping a faceless one armed man with a python fucking project....I heard like three minutes of material and though that I had heniated my fucking spinal collumn....please god retire already Metallica....I cant even go into detail about the album since I am being
terrible not listening to it....for all I know wthe music may be ok...what I heard of it was ok if a bit generic....but i cant take hearing that geriatric krusty the clown lou reed. Your legendary? The velvet underground? Yeah why the fuck do you think they kept the shit underground, kill yourself in a fire or go to a home just please do not make anymore "art" music with metallica they already have talent your trying to give em syphliss. Ok ok then today....BEYOND MAGNETIC...well by the time you read this it would have been last week or some shit BEYOND MAGNETIC....hey why do you think teh shit says reunpre or some shit loaded? Cause I loaded it up like a circle jerk sandwitch. I have listened to all of Beyond MAgnetic....its...ok it has some riffs I was like hmm that could be good with some care, like some old school distortion some better production value....but other than that? In my initial listen...the verdict is
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Yeah way to go fuck yourself again Metallica....these didnt make the album?? Yeah the album shouldnt have made the fucking album, ask Santa for some of that talent you had back...or a beer Het you seriously fucking need it....
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Not really to the above, as I dont know who the hell that guy or what his club is I just thought the name would fit and if he dont like it he can go lick a shit covered dick.
Maybe lars should sue me or get Dave to come beat me up...i mean I have no money and I doubt some oldass man's gonna just knock on the door
and git me speacially when i would just cry whiplash and sue both of em for like a billion dollars :) So yeah feel free to send out the hit squad lars....yes...I could use some money everytime someone thinks the name metallica...
Ok anyways really the big think here is what the fuck
happened?? I mean the load albums....yeah I can deal with em now since they are so old and Im older not as upset by the balance shift but then you did
saint anger....and I was like WHAT THE FUCK i shit you not my ears were bleeding and I think i suffered testicular torsion after my attempt to listen
to the entire album all the way through. Then I actually overcame by never looking directly at it....the horror of saint anger, and hold the idea
if they totally recut the album, with REAL production values...worth a fuck solo's etc. It could be good, well maybe if they threw it in a fucking
time machine and had the metallica from ninteeneightyfuckingseven redo it but ok. Then their new album...death magnetic get these snipits
and its like oh shit that riffs bad ass or you see on youtube the unforgiven three doodle *which did NOT make it onto the song* well ok a doodle that
was really cool I go out and buy the album...and its...well ok its bearable but really it still fucking sucks overall Im sorry. I can listen
to it sing along but its by no means up to the standard sorry guys, get high drunk rape some hookers suck some old man cocks just do something your sound is like eating an ebola sandwitch....Ok I can still stand the album i wont lie. But then....this metallica lou reed shit came out....
OH MY FUCKING YOUR FUCKING ANYONES FUCKING GOD. Thats an art project? Dude thats a fucking gorilla raping a faceless one armed man with a python fucking project....I heard like three minutes of material and though that I had heniated my fucking spinal collumn....please god retire already Metallica....I cant even go into detail about the album since I am being
terrible not listening to it....for all I know wthe music may be ok...what I heard of it was ok if a bit generic....but i cant take hearing that geriatric krusty the clown lou reed. Your legendary? The velvet underground? Yeah why the fuck do you think they kept the shit underground, kill yourself in a fire or go to a home just please do not make anymore "art" music with metallica they already have talent your trying to give em syphliss. Ok ok then today....BEYOND MAGNETIC...well by the time you read this it would have been last week or some shit BEYOND MAGNETIC....hey why do you think teh shit says reunpre or some shit loaded? Cause I loaded it up like a circle jerk sandwitch. I have listened to all of Beyond MAgnetic....its...ok it has some riffs I was like hmm that could be good with some care, like some old school distortion some better production value....but other than that? In my initial listen...the verdict is
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Yeah way to go fuck yourself again Metallica....these didnt make the album?? Yeah the album shouldnt have made the fucking album, ask Santa for some of that talent you had back...or a beer Het you seriously fucking need it....
This blog brought to you by
Not really to the above, as I dont know who the hell that guy or what his club is I just thought the name would fit and if he dont like it he can go lick a shit covered dick.