So another exciting cyanide capsule swallowing installment is upon us and be warned ladies and gentlemen the thoughts and opinions displayed here are fact as I am not endorsed by image comics or any of its founders. Therefore I aint takin any shit from any of em...this is how the story unfolded in my world.
Ok so when we left off I was talking about Todd takin over the world with Spawn, which was the number one comic in america. Then other guys were following suit with their first issues, mini series mainly....which is a nice excuse to take a break from your title after three to five months....but no.
Ok so when we left off I was talking about Todd takin over the world with Spawn, which was the number one comic in america. Then other guys were following suit with their first issues, mini series mainly....which is a nice excuse to take a break from your title after three to five months....but no.
These guys, not the founders, nice try to catch me backtracking for filler smart asses, were the mid end big name guys that really caught fire when the big guys left for image. Dale Keow being about the biggest of them...pitt his comic had a delay between issue one and two of only like two years, no shit. This leads to some rather hypocritical behavior among the image camp...but that is soon to come for now lets get back to the founders and their empires.
Todd was quite smart imo, he began making toys while working on spawn, Liefeld had about seventy three titles with clone artist running amok, Jim Lee had about thirty two titles with various talents being used, Silvestri had one title since he was still working on cyberforce number two, Larsen was doing some one shots as he had soon after sending out issue one of his mini finished it....amazingly enough. Valentino...nooe gave two shits what he was doing...sorry Jim its true and your not a doctor damn it. Whilce had a death in the family which cause wetworks to be indefinitley delayed...four years for the first issue. All that said Rob was raping the land with his art before story I mean before story comics. Art that could have doubled as cave paintings for the most part...but still stood a thousadnd feet above the kindergarden writing that his studio was becoming known for.
Yeah the art before story argument really started to catch fire during this period....about two years into the image fiasco, art is good true....story is differnt than script in comics as well in case anyone is uniformed to their process well it became seperate during this age , at dc it is one and the far as I know...and remains so. That may explain why dc was boring to me for the most part then and now. Back to hypocritical behavior thing as mentioned before....i know im jumping around like frogger after huffing a gallon of paint thinner here, but theres a lot to forget and a lot I wish I could forget from this era. Ok then with Keow, Mike Grell, Larry Stroman, Sam Kieth, and a host of others....well maybe not a host but Im sure I left someone out.....image started to adopt some rules.
Yes the creator owned badboy superstar imprint that did shit their way had some "rules" in their shit now. The main rule was on solicitation of your comic and being late...I read this I know for a fact in wizard and I was like WTF really? These guys saying be on time is like seeing the devil at confession. They even went so far as to cancel folks titles for being late. Yeah Silvestri and Lifeild being the worst offenders I think it was a solid three years for either of their series to even hit number three, maybe number two in the case of cyberforce. Those big checks really skull fucked em, rob and marc buying brand new dodge viper's, Jim Lee got an Nsx, these are some rockstar purchases for guys that drag pencils on paper.....they couldnt write a word to save their lives back then...its like telling an irish guy not to drink beer or beat his wife.
Some of the guys from the new stock were retained I shouldnt get away from this so soon....Keith i know was since his odd series....The Maxx was popular, and not so abysmally late....this was probably the biggest boom time for image cementing them in the number three spot super solid.....they tried to do a lot of intercompany crap ok not crap SHIT fucking bloody worm filled dogshit stem cell research aborted artificial anus suicide bomber. Thats more like how the whole Death mate crossover went, It was Jim lee- wildstrorm, Marc silvestri- topcow...if it was top cow yet...and Rob liefeld- Extreme....Jim and marc may have still been under the same umbrella...homage studios...but it doesent matter they still sucked donkey nuts when it came to getting any content out. The other creators were....wisely absent from this mochary of human decentcy.
I kind of dropped out of paying attention to image around this time, as I was seeing more and more just how fucked they were and how tore up my ass felt anytime I bought one of their comics. I bought some superman stuff which was amazingly good reading during this time just before I ended my formal collecting. I did however not stop buying wizard or looking in them at a friends...I liked the magazine, which pointed me at some amazing stories through articles like Palmers Picks, hey I plug where I feel its deserved. This feels like its itching for a part three...but I think Im gonna get all concise on your ass....Ok after all of this I picked up a wizard later dont remember when and saw that Marc was splitting from Image due to issues with Liefeld, about talent and other more that a word you can use in a sentence with
The split prompted Todd Mcfarlane to take some action and get to talking some shit...something he does, not well mind you, which led to Rob resigning from image...I think he was like the pres or something???wtf yeah..thats like making John wayne gacey the dean of an all boys school...this brought marc back to image but then...flash foward the industry is in decline...all the triple gatefold chromium crystal meth head blowjob lsd laced die cut cover's and quadrouple over size blood in the water promotions, bad stories, over printing, alternate covers and delays had more than taken their toll.
The once loved industry, well seemed loved to me back then was nearly killed by the people that loved it. Honestly, I would say the comic industry now I better off since the people still around actually love that shit, but thats a whole other story. Ok so the industry is in the drowning in a porta potty. Ok this blog is becoming a monster, I have probably forgot or omitted like fifteen thoushand more things but im cuttin this shit off with the next part Addendum in the End.
Join me next week for the shocking conclusion to this and the epic tale of the fantabulous Penut butter and petrolyium jelly flying aids gorilla.
Todd was quite smart imo, he began making toys while working on spawn, Liefeld had about seventy three titles with clone artist running amok, Jim Lee had about thirty two titles with various talents being used, Silvestri had one title since he was still working on cyberforce number two, Larsen was doing some one shots as he had soon after sending out issue one of his mini finished it....amazingly enough. Valentino...nooe gave two shits what he was doing...sorry Jim its true and your not a doctor damn it. Whilce had a death in the family which cause wetworks to be indefinitley delayed...four years for the first issue. All that said Rob was raping the land with his art before story I mean before story comics. Art that could have doubled as cave paintings for the most part...but still stood a thousadnd feet above the kindergarden writing that his studio was becoming known for.
Yeah the art before story argument really started to catch fire during this period....about two years into the image fiasco, art is good true....story is differnt than script in comics as well in case anyone is uniformed to their process well it became seperate during this age , at dc it is one and the far as I know...and remains so. That may explain why dc was boring to me for the most part then and now. Back to hypocritical behavior thing as mentioned before....i know im jumping around like frogger after huffing a gallon of paint thinner here, but theres a lot to forget and a lot I wish I could forget from this era. Ok then with Keow, Mike Grell, Larry Stroman, Sam Kieth, and a host of others....well maybe not a host but Im sure I left someone out.....image started to adopt some rules.
Yes the creator owned badboy superstar imprint that did shit their way had some "rules" in their shit now. The main rule was on solicitation of your comic and being late...I read this I know for a fact in wizard and I was like WTF really? These guys saying be on time is like seeing the devil at confession. They even went so far as to cancel folks titles for being late. Yeah Silvestri and Lifeild being the worst offenders I think it was a solid three years for either of their series to even hit number three, maybe number two in the case of cyberforce. Those big checks really skull fucked em, rob and marc buying brand new dodge viper's, Jim Lee got an Nsx, these are some rockstar purchases for guys that drag pencils on paper.....they couldnt write a word to save their lives back then...its like telling an irish guy not to drink beer or beat his wife.
Some of the guys from the new stock were retained I shouldnt get away from this so soon....Keith i know was since his odd series....The Maxx was popular, and not so abysmally late....this was probably the biggest boom time for image cementing them in the number three spot super solid.....they tried to do a lot of intercompany crap ok not crap SHIT fucking bloody worm filled dogshit stem cell research aborted artificial anus suicide bomber. Thats more like how the whole Death mate crossover went, It was Jim lee- wildstrorm, Marc silvestri- topcow...if it was top cow yet...and Rob liefeld- Extreme....Jim and marc may have still been under the same umbrella...homage studios...but it doesent matter they still sucked donkey nuts when it came to getting any content out. The other creators were....wisely absent from this mochary of human decentcy.
I kind of dropped out of paying attention to image around this time, as I was seeing more and more just how fucked they were and how tore up my ass felt anytime I bought one of their comics. I bought some superman stuff which was amazingly good reading during this time just before I ended my formal collecting. I did however not stop buying wizard or looking in them at a friends...I liked the magazine, which pointed me at some amazing stories through articles like Palmers Picks, hey I plug where I feel its deserved. This feels like its itching for a part three...but I think Im gonna get all concise on your ass....Ok after all of this I picked up a wizard later dont remember when and saw that Marc was splitting from Image due to issues with Liefeld, about talent and other more that a word you can use in a sentence with
The split prompted Todd Mcfarlane to take some action and get to talking some shit...something he does, not well mind you, which led to Rob resigning from image...I think he was like the pres or something???wtf yeah..thats like making John wayne gacey the dean of an all boys school...this brought marc back to image but then...flash foward the industry is in decline...all the triple gatefold chromium crystal meth head blowjob lsd laced die cut cover's and quadrouple over size blood in the water promotions, bad stories, over printing, alternate covers and delays had more than taken their toll.
The once loved industry, well seemed loved to me back then was nearly killed by the people that loved it. Honestly, I would say the comic industry now I better off since the people still around actually love that shit, but thats a whole other story. Ok so the industry is in the drowning in a porta potty. Ok this blog is becoming a monster, I have probably forgot or omitted like fifteen thoushand more things but im cuttin this shit off with the next part Addendum in the End.
Join me next week for the shocking conclusion to this and the epic tale of the fantabulous Penut butter and petrolyium jelly flying aids gorilla.