Sooooo you thought I wasnt up to date on the current nature of the naturalistic affair of the human race? Well now I guess you would be half right but if you know my blog you know here half is more than enough so fuck your cynicism I brought my own. Where in the fuck does it make sense to protest the corporate side of America and their "greed" the inequality in poor and rich...corruption...your protesting the fabric of pretty much every fucking society that has ever been. Even in a communist government there isnt an equal share....and its set for the government to regulate subjugate the populous, which should at least make a pretense of being in the same boat...
but then theres the marionette string pullers there too who thrive while people starve or emaciate talents on menial task...i could go on and on....point is its not so different, you call yourself the 99% and attak the wealthiest people of the world, when some of them give to the poor and give to the unneedy already....I dont think bill fucking gates is taking food out of your tree hugging ass mouths he'd probably give you a donut if you just ask. Your protest are going to have an effect though dont worry....if you want big government I mean to control the 1% we are going to need a more affluent government that will take hold of wall street with an iron fist *cough Berlin* all of this is beside the point of course not here for conspiracy theory im actuallly making half this shit up as I go along :D The biggest high lights I got aside from the fact that many people did indeed coddle and support your asses businesses allowing you to use their facilities, but then when someone owning the property you decided to squat on said it was time to get your bum asses out so it could clean some shit up you got mad...refused to know in my idea of DO NOT have the fucking right to use anyones property as you see fit. Be it any company, person thing. Who the fuck would give you the right to take it and say ima stay/sleep/shit/fuck/live/die here....They pay the taxes on it you dont, they bought it...if its open to the public that is at their leisure, I swear motherfuckers cant be free without shitting where they eat. Then you refuse the authorities when ask to leave? You wonder why you got your ass beat? Where I come from that gets your ass beat you know, I dont live in a fairy tell world where sherriff andy says now now lets move along and everyone has some pie and sunshine. I mean theres a thousand cattle here and thrirty dogs hearding pretty sure some innocent's gonna get bit. Sorry its a fact of how things go when you involve numbers of people and police and panic etc. Im not trying to swing from authorities nuts seriously but I can empaphize with the feeling of being pushed. Also for all you ablutophobia sufferer's you also tend to go to jail when you block a major transportation point, ie the brooklyn bridge...well It hink thats the one you decided to wizard of oz your asses down..after being informed to stick to the side. Do you not want the other members of the 99% to be able to feed themselves or their families....or is that guy in the mercede's bother you so much? How abot the guy that's cooking for your fucking whooper and fries he shouldnt be ble to make it to work today either huh>? I mean you got shit to say, not like he needs to make his minimum wage that day to try to get his kids some shoes or a pencil for school huh? Yeah lets get these guys fired to increase the unemployment, the reliance on government, the strain on the other people that work like fucking unchained slaves in everyday america. Go to work motherfuckers, use someone with some sense to protest for you. Im tired of people trying to make a public bitchfest over things you CANNOT FUCKING FIX. Im sorry it's not going to change. I accept that i do my best to live everyday and Im sure I make less money that 98% of the fucking 99% your talking about, oh and I dont care to get beat and maced for tresspassing after being told to vacate a day in advance...history tends to repeat itself folks, remember when your inbred hippy ancestors got their ass beat for protesting in the sixtys? of course not. Oh and with all this horrible corporate greed and raping government stranggle hold be thankful this isnt china and tiananmen square, be thankful we still have something cause when it falls apart.....your protest arent going to feed you, your protest wont win a war, and they certianly wont keep you or your children alive. Thats all i have i could go on and on but that would be another excuse for you to not go to work and stand in the breadline taking from me and mine, why dont you pop a tent and protest me next?