Well In all this time I wonder, what could this maniac possibly wonder that would even remotely be considered in the realm of sanity you may ask? I wonder how many people have read this and been all offended, and taken it personally even if it mentioned specifically the consequence of said action. Well Ok no consequence if you keep the shit to yourself like love and heroin addiction or being gay.
Im like Clint Eastwood here so dont make my day because when you come here...you wont be feeling lucky. Seriously I write these in chunks then I shake em up like turds in a sock. It's like Yahtzee with your dick on fire using Pulp Fiction like a book of fundamentals. Yet still people call me negative....say I complain and bitch too much...I guess they didn't read the c word. That or I guess they are as broke as Kenny Loggins career and dont understand all they eat is rick roll troll dick. I mean honestly? Really? Truely do you think you can win out against the power or doubt I wield? Just because you act positive doesent mean the world is good. Get a fucking clue, Peter Steel tried to be a good guy and turn it around...and you know where he ended up? DEAD. Im not saying be positive or turn around die, no. I am actually more positive in a lot of ways that I was....especially with constructive criticism so if you want to say I bitch too much go to the kitchen....go to the kitchen....call some big black inmate's and get yourself a nice sweaty peanut butter and blowjob sandwich.
This blog brought to you buy Illusory superiority and the letter R, you know R gets a bad rep...being in words like rabies, rape, racism.....damn people give R a break for fuck sake.
This blog brought to you buy Illusory superiority and the letter R, you know R gets a bad rep...being in words like rabies, rape, racism.....damn people give R a break for fuck sake.