I'm not here to brag but rather more like to bitch and complain and point fingers...isnt that all blogs are outside of the obligatory cries for help? I think I have done quite well in keeping with my weekly schedule not having to use old material as filler *yet* and keeping things...somewhat fresh. Well least its not farts in a bag come on people how many times can you open a napalm mason jar before you learn that shit burns? I guess I consider even this long as a milestone due to the people I grew up admiring...well if you consider grown up twelve but whatever....and this is another image comics shot I suppose...but not the folks I knew back then more the new guys.
See I keep this weekly schedule by writing these when I get the inspiration and staying on it, and true five hundred or less words a week isnt shit true but this is what I do outside work and family....these guys Im talking about now? They draw comics...which is something I dont do....dont have proper...focus or training really but whatever, on to the point. These guys made major money per month...not like the three or four million the original guys could bank in a month but still like sixty plus thousand even after being hideously late every month which is more than I make in a fucking year......now what im getting at is how can you be so fucking fail? I touched this before yes but its just what the fuck so bad it deserves another look. I mean in the MySpace days I blogged like they released issues...sometimes one in a year but you didnt see me getting a fuckin paycheck off that shit....these guys get a fat ass pay check every time their sloppy ass stories hit stands and they cant even finish em. I dont know if Joe mad ever finished his shit Battle Chasers....nine issues in like....fourteen years. Wow winning is your forte eh Joe? I mean his art is alright but its not that fucking good I could have turned that much shit out looking that good in that long my god. See these guys draw like I write...when they actually sit down they start just doing it but the thing is they dont sit down to do it. It's like oh fuck that shit I gots money fuck the people that want to give me more. No fuck you no talent bitch should start calling Joe mad Ellen DeGeneres he's such a fucking cunt. He came on and did spider-man...all talkin how its was so hard to stay on monthly..Im like dude fucking work stop sitting in the bathroom sticking shampoo bottles up your ass to see how many bubbles come out your fucking nose. He did three issues of spider-man and now he needs three off....wow really? Id fire they guy that hired you and no doubt spent too much money in doing it....i mean they have some solid guys that can turn out fifty plus pages a day of good quality work...but quantity is never quality in a world where we have Joe has beens...how was it he became an ever was for that matter? Dude's done like twenty issues ever....wonder who he blew to get that much esteem...maybe he just lined up everyone at every convention at the glory hole I dunno...but its fucking ridiculous. I just want to be famous enough to get free shit and not have to go to work and put the slave outfit on everyday.....I didnt say fucking rich or loved and shit.....I mean fuck how hard is it do what you supposedly love...too hard obviously cause to keep that popularity you gotta get a lot of aids vaccinations. Oh well thats it for this week im actually feeling kind of ill thinking about the roadkill that is joe mads work ethic. Road kill that gets raped by an alien with gangrene on its dick....fucking flamer my god I swear if he came to the convention you were attending youd have to get a penicillin shot.