Hard drive prices. That should be the entire blog I mean if you like media or computers or you want to store important shit steal shit watch porn anything you need one or three or seven and you want em like women want dicks big. Now I heard there was a flood out in like Thailand Malaysia or whatever sorry for the loss folks seriously I'm not bitching about that. What I'm talking about is the company's taking advantage of every consumer they possibly fucking can. They say oh our stock was hit so hard we have to charge seven times more.
Wait what? and its gonna be like three years before you can get stock back up? So you only make any hard drive ever in this area and store them there as well? You have zero made elsewhere or stored in these united states and Canada for easier shipping via large distribution sites like Newegg. ah makes perfect sense if you had your brain replaced by a dirty condom and Smuckers jelly. I cant see how I bought a 1 tb Seagate last year on sale for thirty four bucks and now its like three fucking hundred just because of this. There is no way your not going to be able to make any more hard drives for two more years, and that was a double negative kill yourself. You can get the factories back up or rebuild in that time frame, and I know you have stock everywhere other than there....having it all in one place would be pretty fucking stupid. Also I don't think in all honesty the demand was so high that you have to churn out a million a day at some inflated price out of a different factory and swell the price to infinity and beyond while not compensating anyone in your sweatshop's. Hey I don't have an issue with a sweatshop if the money is proportionate to the pay rates and cost of the economy the people live in. I mean if a guy works for twenty two cents and its like thirteen dollars is over here Im not faulting anyone. But this kind of shit...pisses me off since it fucks so many people, and then even more since you have to sell one to make the profit from like ten and your not going to pass that shit on to anyone in any way shape or form, other than like aids or scabies covered in maple syrup and almonds. That sounded kind of sick but fitting I cant tell you why....and these companies...all of them saying it will take so long....yeah someone will jump the gun and have lower prices production back up sooner to cash in Im sure. Someone smaller as the big two wouldn't have much issue skull fucking everyone and then putting the shit on each others dicks so the could smell it together. I mean big companies are worse than single people for price fixing and controlling consumer demand and profits. Look into it has happened so many times its not funny they do everything short of suck each other off in public and it never makes the first bit of news. I would go into gas companies but I think that deserves its own blog in and of itself. OK everyone that's a wrap for this week.....wrap like wrap it up. Put some fucking epoxy glue in the end of that thing and then tie a balloon around it cause birth controls took a shit in the pool!