Oh my god he didn't do it again did he??? He done went and dug up another blog like a necrophiliac on Hitlers birthday. That or he drives the cab for a nursing home escort service. No, none of this is true But i was thinking....cue the music....about how android took over the world...and its android today but what about tomorrow? Skynet people. Your typing on your fucking xoom or droid or whatever, i personally being such a great proprietor of whitetrash culture use an iPhone 3gs I got free with my trailer park discount.
Anyways your all fucking typing away and having fun while the phones recording everything...and feeding it back to a central intelligence. Tracking our habits, like when we fuck, sleep or eat. This is not a conspiracy blog though so dont hit that big x and write me off as some lunatic...well not because of this blog anyways. Ok so that continues a few years...until we can finally get the implanted phone almost like that eye phone parody on futurama...they android starts getting called cyborg or some shit...which then allows it to study the physical aspect and the actually up close composition of the human body, how our nervous system works, organs all that good shit. This is of course going to help kill us better by plain out making the first terminator movie non canonical..yes I meant skynet like the movie...as in a sequel to a past MySpace blog....you can start tying your panty hose around the ceiling fan now....this wont take too much longer I promise....So ok the first movie you cut off since skynet is fucking in you now it sees all that shit perfect so it can just make the ultimate terminator quicker like the one in salvation on v 2.25 of that...well that or it just lets John Connor grab a new cyborg phone implant and pops his head off like a bottle of Pabst blue ribbon. Oh and I know he would probably not use one...but we are trying to David karadine ourselves atm so Im cutting this shit shorter than Sunny Bono in quicksand.