So I see noone reads my blogs now since noone does "myspace" anymore huh. Well fuck everyone then. I can blog without worry about people going and telling the culture police on me or correcting my fucking grammar. I went to school to spell that shit wrong I'm not a walking thesaurus, I dont read the dictionary in my spare time so fuck ya and your I won the spelling bee before the nice priest touched me. See I have some sense of self censorship I didn't say before the nice priest took me too the back and sexually assaulted me repeatedly while dressed like Joesph Stalin with a Jason mask and Freddy glove. No I have too much class for that, but then again noone comes to myspace anymore so I suppose theres no room for a coagulated asbestos rabies chimp molestation trial with the honorable judge captain kangaroo presiding.
In all truth I only wrote this blog to enforce/impose/brutally drill deep into your subconscious my need for donations since I have been doing this random blog thing once every three years eight times a day for far to long uncompensated and its getting pretty fucking hard to find material I'm even willing to write as of late due to having to work so much due to you not giving me money for my efforts. See if you had donated I would have some proper English literature skills and wouldn't use words like FUCK so much, I would be better rounded instead using something like..."fornicate".
But hey the economy's down there's a new election this year and I'm gearing up for decision 12 like a serial rapist at spring break.....but until then....
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But hey the economy's down there's a new election this year and I'm gearing up for decision 12 like a serial rapist at spring break.....but until then....
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MY COLLECTION PLATE and the letter CUNT its not whats for dinner its for you to put some fucking money in so I will write more epic blogs and stop saying words like CUNT :)