AS SEEN ON TV!.......................................
Ok. Now that I caught your attention, This is a blog that comes to you courtesy of blue balls. Ok. After that word from my sponsor, maybe I can continue on to more serious thoughts. I have noticed in my years not traveling abroad, the odd corruption that seems to have permiated the NES generation. Well it didnt take years to figure it all out, but the first place I go when I think of odd childhoods? Super Marios Bros. Yes thats right. How fucked up is a Ron Jeremy look alike in a red hat eating mushrooms and swimming in sewers?? What is that shit? You eat mushrooms to get bigger longer lasting erections, live forever and be able to break bricks in a single bound? Or go down a pipe step on some retarded midget eat a flower and all of a sudden you got a fucking flame thrower? What kind of drugs are you doing?? I mean Ive done drugs and I didnt see flying turtles hang out with midgets shoot up and try to fuck a princess. Well maybe I would but my luck would be I would do the drugs get a labotomy from donkey kong, then some midget would fuck me. All this after they stuck a fecal covered aborted mushroom midget fetus needle in me full of spaghetti. I really need some better drugs...the kind where you can pull your face off and turn into John Travolta....or Malcolm X....The kind that make you put on a turban flush a baby with a thermite diaper then yell out ala and turn into the Beltway thats some good shit.
Ladies and Gentlemen...this has been a half assed effort by a man with balls bluer than Papa Smurf's. So I leave you with this suck it fuck it feel it kneel for it....PEANUT BUTTER.