Have you ever had an old lady suck your dick? If you havent you should try it...its so good she dont need to bring beer or pie. Happened to me once and I couldnt even walk out the door I looked like Micheal J Fox after he gets off a roller coaster for fucks sake. So for future referance go to an old lady if you need the job done fast and furious....not Vin Diesel though Im sure hed be happy to oblige you. Thats right he got them muscles from rapin guys give it up ladies you need to fuck guys you read blogs from on Myspace more often.
OH well on to the big subject line up top...Post Christmas....unless you commited suicide so everyone would always remember you and to totally shit on Christmas forever you might....Might if your on drugs or are an alcholic be reading this blog, if not then fuck you noone loves you anyways. Why isnt he talking about christmas you say? Why the fuck would you wonder that if you ever read one of my blogs.....you know I cant keep shit strait I'm like using Ray Charles for a gettaway car driver. That or maybe I just dont have anything to say and Im just here with a desperate cry for help like a baby crib next to an oven with a gun in it.....Pre New Year...this is a better spot of shit for everyone cause you get resolutions, you know all the things you wont do before you die since your probably fucking stuck just like me on some miscreant bent mission to spead words malcontent to the masses so they have something better than their next suicide note to think about. That sentence was so long I dont even remember what it says, maybe its the lack of drugs.....weed goes great with anthrax after all, so puff puff pass...maybe get a clown mask and fuck a blow up doll filled with heroin needles and pippy longstocking posters...Im far out of the field now....better call alien Jesus to save me.....and remember its almost new years so if you got something so fire Smokey the bear would pop up......throw it at me...ill bring a catchers mitt....
This Message Brought to you by Aids & Bologna : Its whats for Dinner.
This Message Brought to you by Aids & Bologna : Its whats for Dinner.