Oh shit its late and I'm syncing some music to my iPod classic....someone quick call the police! Someones actually doing something constructive on their computer but I may be able to misconstrue it as an offensive piracy or some other melancholy dialect fecal minded fart flake shit stain I call a thought. Yeah that's right, fuck your thoughts if you don't like people doing things that may bring them happiness or save them money. Not saying stealing things either stop opening the prison cell every time someone says save money.
so ya think I aint been taking notes this whole time? On how not to be...like the rest of the masses...or is this another first line meant to entrench with offensive intent....I don't know well I do but that's beside the point. Have you ever gone to the bath room, loo, rest room whatever you call the toilet....courtesy flushed, burned match's and sprayed Lysol only to have you significant other come in and make a face at the smell?
So your just staring at your screen....and all of a sudden....you hear "I dedicate this to you punk motherfuckers" and you know once again....its on. Yeah its that time of the week and that indeed was Tupac. I wonder if you can find a better way to express appreciation in this day and age. Well no I don't and yes I like contradictions in my writing if you just joined us...well if you just joined us, where the fuck have you been? This shits been going on here alone for the last what...year? Then on MySpace for like six or so...and in real life for around thirty four.
you know people think I hate everything or that I'm too negative....the question is do you really know me? I mean its trivial what you would call escapist or rationalizing question but do you? Have you lived what I did or do you right this moment? I mean maybe you do have something you have gotten past that I haven't that's great...don't try to put me down for it. If you think I'm too negative maybe you have issues appreciating your own fucking positive luck or outlook.
Ok I know I promised this blog like....damn a year ago or maybe five I forget or don't care or just have relapses all the time. This is another nostalgia blog and the first thing I want to talk about is....The SNES. That shit should have a fucking statue in Washington dc. Honest Abe should have one by his chair at his monument and Rushmore should have a controller up beside those dead guys heads.
You know what I hate now? Other than everything in this world of course....naps. I mean yeah I will take em but just like fucking really fat chicks it's not something any guy wants to admit unless your black or Mexican So I layed down with the woman earlier just because I was in a rare be nice probably mood, so I could let her relax and put the hand on the baby etc.
You ever think about something from like 1997 or 1998 and it doesn't click that that was like fourteen years ago? I do that shit all the time.....I'm like ah yeah it's pretty new it came out in 98. Then people look at me like...what the fuck? Where have you been the last twenty fucking years...and I'm like ah never mind lol its old as shit....
So do I even need to go there....about how fail the Mayan calendar was and how right every cynical doubter and vagabond Donner party refuge turned out to be. Yeah we didn't die, shit didn't get real and Santa Clause still broke in and ate the milk and roofies.
Its late. I'm tired but I came to say a couple of things, of course I did...I always do. Ah you thought this was a serious "nice" blog again? Well I guess your out of remission cause this shit is anything but the aforementioned, its more like getting salt in your foreskin..
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Your Saint For Suicide as seen on MySpace and Blood Into Blog. Categories
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